Chapter 21 - Messing About

Start from the beginning

"I'm so glad I've met you. And I'm truly sorry for dragging you into this, for destroying your marriage with Nathan. For everything." His eyes are filled with guilt and she smiles, softly.  

"I'm glad I met you too. I'm glad I got dragged into this, otherwise you'll probably both be dead." She concludes. and his guilt fades, replaced with a relaxed sense.

"Always saving our asses, huh?" He sighs.

"Naturally." She smiles. "Nate and I went through a rough patch, but we're okay now." She adds, but remembers his face when she chose his brother over him. "We should get moving." She changes the subject, nudging him forward. 

"Do you think Rafe will be there?" (Y/N) then asks and he raises an eyebrow. "I think we managed to get a head start." He answers, pointing across. "That's the way."

"Are you sure?"

"Not really."

"Works for me." She shrugs and he jumps, barely grabbing the ledge. "C'mon, princess!" He shouts, already dropping down a few ledges.

"Shut up!" (Y/N) screams, falling across to the ledge below the one he was previously on. "Shit!" She drops down and climbs up, crouching beside him. "At least you're alive." He grins.

"I don't know how." She breathes and he stretches at the other end and climbs up, pulling her up impatiently. "Would ya calm down?" (Y/N) grunts and Sam sighs. "No."

"Fair enough." She says and he smiles, whistling and looking down. "We're definitely inside the mountain now."

"Do you have a spare piton?" She questions and he checks his pockets. "Uh, yeah." He pulls out two and hands one to her. "There you go."

"Thanks." (Y/N) runs forward and jumps, stabbing the piton in the wall. It scrapes down before finally stopping, stuck.

"Piece of cake!" Sam shouts once she begins climbing the rock ledges. "Shit!" He then shouts, falling lower and she laughs, using her piton to climb across to another set of rock ledges. "You were saying?"

"Harder than it looks." He grumbles.

"Ah, oh. That is a very long way down." (Y/N) whispers, making the mistake of looking.

"Aw, is poor little (Y/N) getting scared?"

"I will push you off."

"That's mean." He points.

"I know." She smiles, jumping to hook her rope on a wooden pole. She slowly slides down, swinging to another pole and then letting go to land on top of a landslide. Just in time, (Y/N) manages to jump and grab hold of the ledge and climbs up. Lying down, she spreads out her arms. "Solid ground, my best friend." She mumbles into the dirt.

"Um." Sam nudges her with his foot and she holds up her hand. "Just don't." She tells him, sitting up.

"C'mon! We got a treasure to claim." He exclaims and (Y/N) groans, holding out her hands. "Help me up."

Sam rolls his eyes and grabs her hands. "You're the most laziest person I've ever met."

"Excuse me? Who climbs and jumps and shoots people? Uh, me..." Sam raises an eyebrow. "...and you, but that's not the point!"

"C'mon." He lifts her up and drags her over to a wooden beam. "Here, we can use this. Ladies first." He says and she hooks her rope around it and climbs off the edge, sliding down. "Holy crap, Sam! It's Avery's ship!" (Y/N) shouts, admiring it from the distance.

"That's great! You know, if I could actually see it." Sam yells back.

"Oh right." She swings across, letting her piton scrape through the wall and allow herself to a ledge.

"Oh my god, Avery's ship!" Sam exclaims and (Y/N) raises an eyebrow, holding her arms out. "Yeah... that's what I said."

She then uses her piton to climb around, jumping to a ledge and flattening herself to the wall. "We're so close!" Sam says, excitedly, joining her.

Taking the lead, they make the various ledges and slides before finally allowing to drop into the crystal blue waters. Resurfacing, Sam falls next to (Y/N), splashing her along the way.

"Holy goddamn shit, that was amazing!" Is the first thing he says as he comes back up. Shaking her head with a smile, she swims over to land.

Walking around and ending on a dock, Sam spreads out his arms to the ship in the distance they had viewed from above. "There it is."

"Yeah. No sign of Shoreliners either. Let's make this quick." (Y/N) says, her eyes scanning around the area and he groans. "Relax, will you? I told you -"

"Shit! Sam, get down!" She warns, pulling him down with her. "They're here. Nadine's over there with a few men. I can't see Rafe and there's a speedboat just in front of us with two mercenaries." She whispers.

"We gotta get to that ship." Sam whispers back, looking over before sitting back down and he loads his pistol. Placing her hand on his, (Y/N) frowns. "Are you a crazy? We can't shoot our way through!"

"Have you got a better plan?" His eyes are filled with the same frightening look he had when he was about to kill Nadine. She hesitates before looking at the speedboat in front of them.

"Actually, I do." He frowns at her answer. "You get the one off the boat, I get the one sitting in it. We drive it towards the ship." She suggests.

"My plan was better." He grumbles and she nudges him. "Will you just do it?"

Sam sighs, but begins to creep forward. (Y/N) follows and jumps into the boat, knocking the guy out before tipping him over the edge. Her accomplice takes his out and gets into the drivers seat.

"Quick as you can." She mutters and he nods and starts it, speeding them towards the ship. Once there, he stops out the front of it and grabs her hand, leading her on. (Y/N) motions him over to the rotten wood covering their gap. 

"We can get in through here." She starts to lift and he joins, squeezing through and she follows behind, dropping it down behind her.

"Holy shit..." At his words, she turns and the treasure gleams in front of her.

The Drakes had found it.

"No way..." (Y/N) whispers.

Sam begins laughing and picks up a bunch of coins. "We're rich!" He shouts, throwing them everywhere and she joins in, laughing. Soon the pair are messing about, playing with all the coins and jewels, the goblets and necklaces. (Y/N) laughs, placing a crown on Sam's head, curtsying.

"Now what?" She questions once the laughter dies down and he places his hands on her shoulders, shaking her. "Will you just enjoy the moment?"

"Sam, we need -" an explosion cuts her short and he stumbles, the crown falling off. (Y/N) goes to speak again but a voice sends a chill down the woman's spine.

"Well, well. I guess you weren't that useless after all."

Slowly, her eyes come into contact with the sickening smirk on the man standing in the hole he created with the explosion.



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