She Woke up a Vampire

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I never knew what I wanted to do with my life. There were so many things that I have tried. I wanted to be a writer, photographer, dancer, or designer. I never wanted to become what I am now. I’m constantly cold and my heart doesn’t beat anymore. I watch people as they walk by with blood pumping through their body. They are so full of life and I’m just a walking corps.

My skin was once a cream complexion, but now it’s just a pasty pale color. My eyes were once brown, but now they are a golden yellow so I hide them with brown colored contacts. The only thing that remands the same is my black hair.

My name is Ariana Dexter I’m 18 years old. I live in a city called Saratoga Springs, which is in the state of New York. Six months ago, I was in a car accident that left me in a coma and one month ago, I awoke from that coma, but I wasn’t the same when I woke up.

As I awoke from the coma, I could hear the heart beat from the other patient that was in the room. I could smell her sweet metallic blood pumping through her body. It smelt sogood.

My teeth began to hurt as the hunger had set in. It felt as if my teeth were growing. I became frightened, I reached up to feel my teeth and I felt fangs. I didn’t know what to do, all I knew was I had this strong hunger and it wasn’t for food. I wanted blood. I wanted to feel warm blood pass through my lips, swish it around in my mouth and feel it run down my throat. I pulled the IV needle from my arm as I arose from the bed and I walked slowly to towards the patient that was sleeping in the bed bedside me. I could hear her thoughts as she slept; the smell of her blood grew stronger as I moved closer to her.

I sniffed her skin. The hunger was so strong. I couldn’t resist it, I needed to taste her blood. I sank my teeth into the skin of her arm and I drank her warm sweet blood. She was about to wake up, so I immediately stopped drinking her blood.

I didn’t know where to go I didn’t know what was happening to me, so I ran towards the door. I had to get out of the room, out of the hospital. I opened the door slowly. I popped my head out the door, looking for any signs of doctors or nurses that might have been walking the halls. I looked to my right and then to my left. There was an exit door to my left. I ran towards the door and into the night. I ran down Church Street, turned right onto Beekman Street and kept running until I had arrived just a few houses away from my home. I saw a police car in front of my house. I had to stay low until I could figure out what was happening, so I went to the old abandon house on Grand Avenue. People say the house is haunted. Kids often dare each other to step foot inside of the house.

The wooden steps creaked as I walked up them and onto the porch of the old abandon house. The window on the front door had a wooden board over it. Some of the windows had wooden boards covering them and some had just broken glass. When I opened the door, it made a loud sound from the squeaky hinges. I stepped into the house and the door slammed shut behind me. Inside of the house, there was broken, dusty furniture and cobwebs in just about every corner of every room. I thought the house would be very dark inside, but to my surprise, it wasn’t. Everything was bright; it was as if my eyes were flashlights. I had night vision!

Later on that night, after finding a beat up mattress to sleep on, I woke up to the sound of strange noises. I searched the house and found nothing, so I proceed outside. I thought that maybe the sounds were coming from the backyard, but there was nothing outside. When I walked back into the house, someone jumped in front of me. Frightened, I jumped back and screamed. “What the hell! Who are you?” I asked.

“My name is Caleb,” he said with an arrogant grin.

I gave him a cold stare. I really didn’t like his arrogant grin. His grin reminded me of someone who is self-centered.

Caleb had dark shoulder length hair, piercings on his lip, eyebrows and ears. He was of average height. He was wearing black boots, skintight jeans that had rips in the knees and a black shirt on that read, “The Clash.” He had tattoos on his arms and neck as well.

“I’m Ariana,” I said as my eyes followed his every move.

“I know who you are,” he said as he pulled a pack of cigarettes from his pants pocket. “You smoke?”

“I took the cigarette from his hand and lit it up. “Were you following me?”

“I know what you are,” he whispered with a grin.

“What do you mean?” I asked him. Pretending that I had no clue to what he meant.

“You woke up from a coma in the hospital. You had no heartbeat and no blood flowing in your veins. You hunger for blood. You’re a vampire.” Caleb said.

“So you were following me?” I said.  Why aren’t you scared of me then?”

“I’m not scared because, I ‘m  a vampire too,” Caleb revealed.

I was angry. I thought maybe he made me like this and if he did, he could make me human again. I never asked to be a vampire.

“Are you the one that did this to me?” I asked in anger.

“Calm down woman!” he said as he took a sip from a tiny bottle. “No I didn’t turn you.”

“Who made me like this? I asked. Do you know?” 

“I don’t know, but I’ve been searching for him or her,” said Caleb as he sat down on the filthy sofa.

“I don’t want to be a vampire,” I said as I sat down on the floor in front of the sofa.

“There is a cure and I have been searching for it,” he said.

“How did you find out about this cure?” I asked him, but not entirely believing him.

He told me that a vampire he knew told him about a cure. Caleb said only vampire king or queen could cure another vampire.

“Well let’s find a king or queen!” I said enthusiastically. “Maybe we can find one tonight!”

“Not now. I want to teach you some things first,” he said as he stood up from the sofa and walked towards the door.

We went outside to the back yard. He told me that because I’m a new vampire that I should learn some things. He began to teach me the first lesson, flying.

“In order to fly, you have to clear your mind,” he said as if he had been teaching this for a long time. “Think of nothing.”

I closed my eyes. Memories of my family filled my mind and a memory of right before the car accident. I was driving on a busy street, I took my eyes off the road for one second and when I looked at the road again, I slammed into an eighteen-wheeler truck. I cleared the accident out of my mind.

All memories were out of my head as I started to feel lite like a feature. I was shocked when I opened my eyes; I was levitating at about ten feet above the ground! We began to fly around the house. I felt like a bird. I could fly fast or really slow! I could fly upside down and turn in circles. I had so much fun flying!

“I fly only at night,” Caleb said.

After we flew for a while, he told me that vampires could go out into the sunlight. The only way to do so is by wearing a golden four-leaf clover that a good witch had blessed. He reached into his black bag and gave me a golden necklace that had a golden four-leaf clover pendant on it.

“Put this on and make sure it touches your skin,” he said. “It will make you immune from to the sun.”

“Thank you Caleb,” I said kindly.

“Tomorrow we will go into the forest to look for a friend of mine,” he said as he sat down on the sofa.

“Who is this friend of yours?” I asked as I lied down on the floor.

“Someone that can help us,” He said quietly as he drifted to sleep.

I laid down on the beat up mattress, closed my eye and thought of my family. I slowly drifted to sleep.

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