A New Student

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Kiel walked towards the limo that would take him to Auradon prep his parents (the three that weren't lizards anyway) had spread the news of his existence and the traitors had been oh so excited to meet him so Ben just couldn't say no.

He got in the limo and remained silent until they reached his new hell forgoing the sweets as he would not be so easily bought. When the limo finally stopped he exited with grace and poise unlike his siblings who had oh so readily made fools of themselves. He saw Ben ready himself to make a speech and sneered "Yes, yes I know momentous occasion blah blah blah. Don't waste your time I'm not here to make friends," He said cutting the King off before he could bore him to death.

"Right well then I'll have Doug lead you to your dorm," said boy soon appeared and lead him to an annoyingly bright blue room. He slammed the door in Doug's face and locked it closing all the curtains as well. He opened the book and found a spell. "Death, darkness, demons and doom help me fix this awful room," An instant change followed the walls turned black, the bed turned red with a black duvet and pillows and the windows gained iron bars on the outside.

"Much better," He said smirking. The doors slammed open Jay had oh so kindly picked the locks and he was now surrounded by the traitors.

"What do you want?" He was tired and didn't want to deal with them right now but knew that he had no choice.

"We wanted to meet you since you're our brother and all," Mal said suddenly looking very sheepish after realizing they hadn't even bothered to knock.

"We may be related by blood but you are not my family, I'm in a mood because of these traitors so chase them away with an alligator," when I finished my spell there was a moment of them staring wide eyed at me meaning my eyes had turned red as usual before an alligator appeared causing them to flee from the room with it snapping at their heels.

I laughed before changing into pajamas and going to sleep.

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