A plan

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"So you think they'll fail?" The Evil Queen asked confused as to why they needed a back up plan.

"No but this is just in case they do," Maleficent said getting a needle from the "safe" and taking a sample of Jafar, The evil queen, Cruella and her own blood. She mixed it in a phial and poured it into a cauldron. Immediately red smoke came pouring from the potion and began to take the shape of a boy. He had hazel eyes and dark brown hair with red highlights. His skin was even paler than Snow Whites and his incisors were sharp like fangs. "Who are you? Wait who am I?" The boy asked.

"Hmm I'll call you Kiel I am Maleficent and these idiots are my allies, we're villains and so are you," as she said this Kiel's eyes flashed red in a mimic of what Mals did when she was emotional. Maleficent was pleased by this as it meant that he had inherited her magic it was lucky she had only given Mal a book of her weaker spells and kept her stronger one for herself. She reached into the "safe" and got her real spell book out "Now copy this book out you may need it," She ordered him.

Kiel would spend weeks training with the villains and would later hear of Maleficents defeat at the hands of her own daughter. 

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