Chapter 17 - The Truth

Start from the beginning

I've never seen Itachi like this. He always...... He always had control of things. Things always went exactly as he planned. He never lost composure and concealed his every weakness. But right now.......

His other hand smacked the tree I was forced against, narrowly missing my head by a couple of centimeters. The hand choking me left and moved to the other side of my head. He leaned in closer, much closer so my heart raced. His head was next to mine, lips near my ear. That black hair of his that he recently cut brushed against my cheek.

"Why do you care so much......Why are you willing to lose your life for a lost cause.......?" His voice was barely a whisper, if he wasn't so close I wouldn't have heard him.

"Lost cause? Itachi.......I don't think you've ever realized how much you meant to me." The image of cute little Sasuke flashed in my mind. "Sasuke always loved you so much.......he looked up to you." I thought back to Shisui. "Shisui thought of you as his older brother, he trusted you so much......And I......"

(Itachi's POV AGAIN!) (Mehehehehe I'm so dramatic!)

"And I......." She stopped talking, exhaling a shaky breath.

It still made no sense to me. She doesn't even care if she dies now, all she wants is to bring me back. I exist not to be happy, I'm just another pawn on this chess board. I'm not the knight who saves the day heroically and takes charge, I'm definetly not the king who everyone wants to protect. I'm just the pawn that's controlled. I'm only on this chess board to sacrifice myself later. Pawns are never meant to stay the entire game. (I enjoy chess. I just had 2 put that in!)

I'm only supposed to do what I'm ordered......I'm only supposed to be there for my brother. It was fate that I was given this mission, so I could save Sasuke. The reason I live is for Sasuke, that's what I've always thought. That's what I still think.

So why's Amarante here? Why go through the trouble? I'm not worth it, yet she's so convinced that I should return.

"You what?" I asked.

It's times like these I envy her ability to sense others emotions. What was she feeling? What was she thinking?

Swallowing thickly, her shaky hand raised and touched my cheek. "I......You......" She turned her head so she was facing me. Our breaths mingles and our noses nearly touched. "You mean a lot to me. I don't want to let you go."

(AWWWWWW! Lolol I wss blushing writing this, even tho it's nothing xD what can I say, imma kid!)

What do I do? Never before have I felt at such a loss of what to do, never did I not have a plan. I can't return, no matter how much my selfish desires compelled me to do so. I can't attack her, not after this. I had to convince her about my situation and my inevitable fate, that would be the only way to show her I truly am a lost cause.

Once again, my selfish wishes yearned for an alternative. Deep inside, I didn't want to be forgotten by her. I wanted her to care for me. (is this occ?!? I mean, Itachi's a guy.......guys wanna be cared about......well, I ain't a guy, so I cant be sure......GAR WRITING GUYS POVS IS HARD!)

" understand, you'll need to learn the truth."


He told me everything

How that bastard Danzo chose him to massacre his clan. How his clan always thought he was a double spy. How he gave fake information about the Leaf to his clan. How the Uchiha's wanted to attack the Leaf Village. How he took the mission under the condition that Sasuke is unharmed and looked after the Hokage. How he planned to live the rest of his life. How he planned to end it......

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