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Nandini had a tiring day, college had started and was hectic. Navya was always there to cheer her up. Within a week of college she thought she had committed a mistake by landing into an ocean called MBA to drown herself, while  trying to escape a pond which was her marriage. Yes! She felt it could've been better if she was married. Weird. Studies does that to a person. But she decided, she would pass this course with the same flying colours. Determined .

After having a hot shower and a nice dinner which was prepared by her beloved mom, she headed to her room. Weekend. Now she can watch all those series which she had started. At times she even thought , why can't life be like waking up, watching favourite series, having food of our choice and have loads of sleep? Man proposes God disposes! Ain't it that way? So she is stuck with her MBA, nothing so fascinating to expect about her life. At times she felt she could shut herself down and enjoy till she gets bored of it. Crazy ain't it ?

She was busy in her monologue, oblivious of the series which showed a couple kissing each other passionately. Even their kisses bored the hell out of her. Single life. Life is sad. On the contrary she doesn't want to be hitched too. What only she wants? Something crazy. She'd wait for it, patiently.

Her phone beeped .

Unknown number. This certain term 'unknown' recalled the last weeks event. She hardly remembers the person with whom she spoke. Not even his name, but the huskiness in his voice sent tingles down her toes. Raised by listening to various radio channels, she was bound to get attracted to husky voices. Yes! That's the reason for the sudden tingling. Ignoring the sensation she opened her message box to find,

Hi :)

Alarmed, she recalled if she had given her number to anyone today? The answer was no. She never does. She always makes them text I front of her eyes. Extra cautious, that's how she was .

Sorry. I don't have your number in my list. Do we know each other ?

She waited for the response. Title bar showed that the recipient is online. So she was ready to counter the answer.

Yes. We do.

Manik was enjoying this, his very first  anonymous chat. He hadn't seen her face. Instantly his Mentos mind asked him to check the display picture. How Einstein-ish. He didn't waste time, opened her display picture to be slapped with a quote. How sad? She hadn't privatised her Display picture yet his luck!

Oh. Varun? Don't play like this! How many times will you pester me with your nonsense. I'm not interested!

Manik was bewildered. So this adventure is going to end even before it starts if she had a Boy Friend. But another try won't hurt it. Would it?

No. I'm not Varun. Try guessing ;)

He had pushed off limits with that particular smiley of his. Yet he wanted to play along.

Oh? Suresh Bhai!!! Stop playing ok?

Nandini was confused. She herself was shocked that she's replying a unknown person, playing guess guess with him or her whoever it was.

The reply made Manik jump on his skin. He rushed to rubbish her recent endearment. 'Bhai?", he definitely ain't pulling this stunt to get brozoned.

Nope. I'm definitely not your 'Bhai' ;)

Nandini got a cue that the opponent was definitely flirting. She wasn't pissed, rather she was having a different feeling. Had it been other days this particular number would've entered her block list. But this seemed different. Composing the evolving smile on her curves she replied.

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