devoloping fealings chapter 2

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Hermione thought for a little while. "Why would I tell you. Yes he has hurt me. But that is no reason to assist someone in killing him! And who may I ask did he hurt to trigger you?" Hermione answered. At this Bellatrix was going bright red. "Um well um that would be um well um you" Bellatrix Replyed going even more red if it where possible. It seemed that Hermione was starting to think about it. "I'll tell you where he is if you only torture him for 5 minutes ok?" Hermione finaly said. Bellatrix looked sad but nodded whilst waiting for Hermione's answer. "He will probably be in moaning Myrtle's toilet. Crying again. Oh and when your finished bring him here I want to punch him!" Hermione finaly replyed. It was clear Malfoy knew what was coming for Weaslebee. Bellatrix left and found the boy.
~~~time skip brought to you by harambe~~~
Bellatrix brought Ron to the room of requirements so Hermione could punch him. Obviously Ron was not told that but he had a felling someone was going to punch him. When he arrived at the room of rerequire, Hermione told him to say what he did whilst looking at the camera. "I cheated on Cho Chang and Hermione Granger. To get Cho I told her that Hermione left me for Draco Malfoy the ferret face. Earlier today Hermione found me and Cho making out in a cupboard. Cho punched me when she discovered the truth. I did it because I just wanted to say someone loves me. I hate myself for it. I've been punished for it already but I know I have worse coming," Ron finished speaking and Hermione turned of the camera. The camera then printed a poster. The little video was in the top right off the page. It read
Ronald Billeus Weasley is a cheater.
Earlier today two
girls by the names
of Hermione
Granger and Cho
Chang found out
the boy they loved
had been cheating
on them. During this inserdent Cho punched Ron and could be heard shouting they where over forever. Hermione was crying over the fact the boy that said he loved her but kissed another girl. Ron was tortured for Hus actions by someone who actually cares for Hermione's well fair. Maybe Hermione has found a new love.
By Cho Chang and Hermione Granger.

Ron was more than annoyed because Hermione had made more of these newspapers. As soon as she got a chance Hermione punched Ron square in the nose.  They then let Ron leave and Hermione turned to Bellatrix who was watching Hermione as she made more of the newspaper articles for the school newspaper. "Bellatrix I can't thank you enough. Without you Ron would've probably gone on to cheat on more girls. Thank you!" Bellatrix just nodded and stepped into a weird box and disapered. 'She is so sweet and caring towards me.' Hermione thought. She the went on to create a poster to put every where. It read;
Be warned girls Ronald Billius Weasley is a filthy cheater. If he asks you out and says his previous girlfriend dumped him for someone else then decline him. He only wants to say he has someone that loves him!
It was good enough for Hermione and she duplicated them and used magic to put the on the Hogwarts walls.
~~~time skip to dinner on monday brought to you by cheese ~~~
Hermione and cho where stood in the corridor outside of the great hall. It was time to shout. Many people where leaving and the few left in could hear everything from the hallway. "RONALD WEASLEY CHEATED ON US JUST SO HE COULD SAY PEOPLE LOVED HIM! NEVER GO OUT WITH HIM, HE WILL BREAK YOUR HEART!" the girls shouted together.
~~~time skip to quiditch on saturday brought to you by doctor who~~~
Hermione and cho where next to Lea who was commentating. They had permission to yell the truth about Ron. "RONALD WEASLEY CHEATED ON US JUST SO HE COULD SAY PEOPLE LOVED HIM! NEVER GO OUT WITH HIM, HE WILL BREAK YOUR HEART!" the girls shouted together. Ron blushed red and nearly fell off of his broom at the sound of the two girls voices.

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