Okay father!

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When I walked through the door my dad said "he's in you room hurry up were losing money!!" "OKAY FATHER. I'm going." I walked into my room knowing what was going to happen he was going to rape me and I was going to act like I like it just to earn back the money dad lost. That's why when I left Codie's house I put on my cheerleading outfit.

"Sweetie, how you been doing. You remeber me I was your first." Edward said. "Yes Edward I remeber you. You where my first and by far the greatest guy I had sex with. When I think about you I get shivers baby." I say with a smile. "Oh baby. Your turing me on how about we get under the covers and I'll show you I gotten a lot better sweetie."

After two terrible hours he finally left and I did what I always did after I got raped by these men; I took a shower. After I was done I got dressed for bed and walked to my room where I found my dad sitting on my bed. "What do you want." I said. "I just wanted to tell you that all the money he said he was goingto give me before you where late he payed." " Well isn't that good for yoy father. You get payed while I get raped." " You know what you little bitch. I have to keep this house going with food and electricity, and if that means yoy getting raped everyday then so be it." "Well here is a crazy idea maybe you should get a job and stop sitting on your ass all day." I said, but I knew I shouldn't have because before I knew it he slapped the crap out of me. "You little bitch you need to know your place I'm not your father I'm your pimp." He told me while tears where coming down my face.

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