'No, it was just a memory. What did we do to make him hate so much? She was his mate, he was suppose to love her. Instead he hated her and made her life miserable until the day she died.'

I feel two arms wrapped around me and I can't do anything else but sob even more. I have never felt like this, cared for, loved. I know he doesn't love me, but his warmth and his scent on me tells me I am save.

'You made a salad?,' he asks trying to change the subject. He looses me and I almost want to beg him to keep holding me, but I don't. He takes a fork and takes a few bites. As he tastes it, he picks up the bowl and walks away with it while eating it. It takes me a few seconds to realize what is going on.

I run behind him into the bedroom and try to snatch the bowl away from him. He growls, but it is out of fun and I jump on the bed next to him. I climb on his back and try again, but I fail miserably. That is when I think about tickling him. I try, but nothing works until I find his weak spot, right under his rib cage. He jumps aside standing up and I smile at him. I stand up and walk behind him. I tickle him and he tries not to laugh.

He does have a weak spot!

'Who would have thought that the big bad wolf is ticklish?,' I laugh loud and try to tickle him some more. He gives me a push and I tumble backwards.
I falls on the bed and he gives me the bowl in my hands and lifts his hands in surrender. I take a few bites and take a seat on the bed next to him as he looks at me. I fill the fork with the salad and hold it infront of his mouth.

He smiles and takes the bite from me.

He waits patiently for me to finish before he pushes me down and start tickling me. I scream out in laughter and beg him to stop, but he doesn't.

'I am going to pee if you don't stop!,' I tell him and he smiles before stopping. He lays on top of me and looks me straight in my eyes. This is the first time we really hold eyecontact and it makes me blush hard. His almost white ice are amazingly beautiful.

'I want to kiss you so bad,' he says.

I turn my face to the side, knowing that I am not ready for any of that. I can barely except that I am his mate. When we laugh and everything seems great, I just feel like I belong here, but the moment reality sets in I am nothing more than a filthy washed off dog.

He rolls off of me and sighs.
I sit up with my back towards him and I can feel him look at me.

'Prepare yourself. Around ten o'clock after breakfast we are making you one of us,' he says standing up from the bed and into the bathroom.

One of us?
What does that even mean?

The shower is turned on and the thought of him naked makes me blush... Hard. I cover myself under the covers and pillow as I try to stop my mind from wandering place they are not aloud to go to. I know he gets out of the shower and I hear him go into the walk-in closet.

'It's almost seven and light out. You should take a shower,' he tells me.

Yeah,sure, but when you leave.

'I am gonna go down stairs and prepare for the ceremony.'

Ceremony? I am not getting married am I?

'Just wear anything of mine.'

'But your pants will never fit me,' I say.

'Improvice!,' he says angry as he closes the door behind him.

Why is he so angry all of a sudden? Stupid males!

I walk towards the bathroom and take a shower avoiding every mirror in there. I don't want to see my face or any other part of myself for that matter.

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