Chapter six:

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Izaya's POV:
I woke up the next morning, Shizu-chan was asleep and holding onto my waist.
What an embarrassing guy.
I couldn't get out of his grip, it was too strong.
I heard my phone vibrate. I grabbed.
"Izaya, don't tell me you spent the night with Hewajima, did he get your virginity, well did he"?
"Shut up, Rengei-senpai".
"You're so mean, Izaya".
"I know, but you're like an overprotective parent looking out for their kid, or a nosy childhood friend who wants to be apart of your entire life".
"Yeah but I'm still worried for you, you know what will happen if Shizuo-Kun makes you feel unhappy, I will go ape shit".
"You wouldn't be able to do anything because he's too strong".
"Yeah, but it would be worth a shot".
"Don't get yourself killed for my sake, there's no reason to stick out your neck for my happiness, just you being my childhood friend, really helps me"
"I know but, if he hurts you, don't stay run".
"I understand, so don't worry, Shizu-chan would never hurt me at all".
"Well, a day ago you were mortal enemies, so I wouldn't put it past him to do something to hurt you in a way where you won't be able to turn back from".
"I don't want to hear that you committed suicide because an asshole wouldn't treat you right".
"Don't worry I'll be fine, see you at school".
"Okay, bye".
I hung up and looked over to see that Shizu-chan had finally woke up.
"Are you going to keep hanging onto my waist or are you going keep hugging, and waste daylight"?
"Do you know what time it is"?
"It's too early".
"Isn't today a Saturday".
"Yeah, there isn't any school today, so what do you want to do, Izaya-chan"?
"I don't really know but I want to take a shower because I feel a bit dirty".
"Then I'll help you clean".
"there's no need f-for that", I said as I felt my cheeks warming up.
"Are you sure, I mean right here could use a little cleaning".
He had moved his hand down to my crotch.
"How about I carry you to the bathroom and we can take a bath together"?
"Fine, but don't try anything you pervert".
"Trust me, I just want to help you".
"I'm not sure if I can trust you".
"You're so mean".
"I am not, you're just a pervert".
"Yeah I am, but I can help, you're so cute".
"Just yesterday you thought I was an annoying flea".
"Well you can be smart-mouthed but that's your personality".
Suddenly I was picked up and I was being carried by Shizu-chan.
"Let's go take a bath".
To be continued ...

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03, 2020 ⏰

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