Part 2

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I walked down the stairs and grabbed my pennyboard.

"Where you going?" Jake asked from the top of the stairs.

"Picking up Callum and his friends" I said and closed the door.

*** JAKE'S POV***

Great. Now I can get her back. I got Chance and Anthony to help with the plan. I got out my vlogging camera and pressed record.

" Good morning Jake Paulers! I hope you are having a gooooooooooood day so far!"

"Right now I am getting Brooke back for stealing my phone yesterday and posting a tweet saying that I smell like peanut butter. Chance and Anthony are also helping me with the prank while Brooke is out picking up her little brother and his friends. So, HERE WE GO!"(bizaardvark)


I unlocked the door to the house and walked inside. I placed my pennyboard down and let Callum inside and his friends inside.

"Hey Callum!" Tessa said coming down the stairs.

"Hey Tessa" He said waving to her.

"I just grab my phone and then we can go okay?" I said to Callum

"Okay" he said while him and his friends went and jumped on the trampoline.

I walked up the stairs and walked into my room. I opened the door.

"The fuck." I mumbled.

"Hey Brooke" Jake said pointing his camera at me. 

" Jake!!!" I yelled. Him,Chance and Anthony started dying of laughter.

"Bro... all I did was post something on your twitter and you toilet papered my room!" I grabbed my phone and headed to the door.

"Where you going." Chance said while Jake pointed the camera at me.

"Taking Callum and his friends to Lazer Tag. You guys can come if you want but we'll have to take the van." I said looking at them. They exchanged looks and then decided.

"Sure" Jake answered. " I can come"

" We're okay" Anthony answered for him and Chance.

"Okay" I said going down the stairs while they followed me. I walked into the kitchen and grabbed the keys to the car. 

" Your driving Jake" I said tossing the keys to him.

" Callum, Derek, Aiden, you ready?" I asked the boys.

"Yea" they all said in unison. 

"Hey Jake!" Callum said fist pumping him.

"Hey mini savage!" Jake said ruffling Callum's hair

We all hopped in the truck. Jake driving, Me in the passengers seat and the boys in the back.

When we arrived I signed us in and we all started playing (I have no idea how laser tag works)


"Thanks Brooke" Callum said hugging me at the door.

"No problem bud" I said smiling and ruffling his hair.

"Thanks sweetie" My mom said giving me a hug.

"Your welcome mom" 

"Be safe, and keep Jake out of trouble." She said smiling and pointing at Jake in the car. She waved to Jake and he waved back. " I will" I said back to her.

"Bye mom. Bye Callum " I  waved and got back in the truck. I watched as Callum ran inside with his friends and smiled.

 Jake drove us home and I vlogged for him.  When we got back inside Jake came up with a very stupid idea that could get us killed.

"We should play the Ouija board in a abandoned asylum" 

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