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Ways to get blocked/ignored:

1. Say who you want to speak to. I won't know who you're talking to unless you tell me who your scene is for. Hints what the bio book is for.

2. Not starting with a scene.
I want our conversation to be fun and interesting also fit the anons, besides 'hi' 'hey' or 'whats up' and have nothing to say afterwards.

3. Spamming me will piss ooa off so if I don't answer the 3rd time you spammed basically means I'm done. (Unless I'm not here because of personal problems.)

4. Killing My Anons is not a choice and will never be a choice.

5. Flirting/ Forcing yourself onto taken and/or single anons that's not interested.


Ways For Ooa To Respond Faster:

1. Interesting, creative, or unique scene. Make a scene that's different and unique from others and that really fits the characters.

2. Long replies (I don't expect all the time because I can't do it either.) You don't have to do long replies but it's just a suggestion.

3. Spice things up with some drama. Face it, drama makes everything a little better and interesting. We all need it in our life so knock yourself out.

4. Have fun with the whole conversation. Most important thing is to just have fun the whole time and just be confident.


Please Note:

- Not All Characters Are Nice and My Anons Doesn't Fall In Love Instantly. This Isn't Romeo and Juliet.
Also, Anons sexuality is your decision.

- Just because you Roleplay with my anons doesn't mean they'll end up with you. There are other people that's playing with them too so keep that in mind.

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