Chapter 5

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Sally's POV

Slendy said he's gonna get a new toy coming soon, I wonder what they're like! Maybe they'll be a girl and play with me! This is too much thinking, so I'm just not gonna think! I go downstairs to watch Candle Cove.

"Hey, Sally, lemme guess you wanna watch candle cove?" Jane asked, taking the remote and looking at the TV.

"Yep!" I replied holding my bear and jumping onto the couch.

"Hey, Jane!"

"Yes, Sally?"

"Do you know-"

"That they're bringing home a new plaything? Yes, I know."

"I'm so excited, aren't you?!"

"Eh, not really, but for you sure."


(Y/n) POV

I started running through the woods, thinking I saw a familiar face from my old pack, a new victim. I turned into my wolf form, stalking this new victim. It was that one newbie, the one that thought he was better than me, the one that also tormented me. I hated him, I hated him so much. I wanted to kill him, just like those others.

I started to feel that rage, that anticipation, that urge. I snuck up on him, he looked relaxed. I waited until the right moment to pounce on him. He suddenly turned around and caught my dominant hand that was going in for a swipe. He must've smelled me.

No matter, I just used my legs to force him on the ground as I relentlessly kicked him. He was never the strongest, which gave me an advantage. I swiped and swiped at his face, clawing his eyes out as he screamed. He writhed as I clawed at his throat, tightening my grip and squeezing as hard as I could, waiting for him to shut the fuck up and die already.

He finally stopped breathing as I let go of him. I stepped off of his disgusting body and kicked him, I kept kicking him until his body rolled down and fell into a nearby pond. Now no one will find him.

Good thing there was no one else around. I killed the only other people around, now there was nothing to stop me. No one can challenge me. I'm free to avenge myself and my loved ones.

I can't stop, I have to press forward and take my anger out at more people. Get more victims.

That is my only goal now.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2021 ⏰

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