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"She prefers the company of dreams rather than reality is more like it." Governor Swann agreed. "Just like her mother."

Felicity's heart went out to her guardian as he lowered his head in sadness. Elizabeth's mother was a sore topic of conversation for the Governor and was often avoided. It was very rare in their society for two people to marry for love, yet Elizabeth's parents had.

Their marriage served as a reminder for Felicity that marrying for love and status was possible. The aristocracy had tried its hardest to drive out all of her hopes and dreams for her life but Governor Swann always gave her hopes. Marrying for love instead of position was not a crime and her guardian would never let her forget it.

Felicity decided to change the subject from a sad one to happy one as she asked, "What is in the box, Governor?"

A gleam of humor twinkled in his eye as he replied, "A gift for my ward."

Felicity went over to the box and carefully lifted the lid to reveal the most handsome dress she had ever beheld. The beautiful dress was cut in the Robe à la française style that was becoming quite popular among the people of high society. It was in a teal color made of fine silk and cotton with floral embroidery. Felicity ran her fingers along the delicate fabric as a genuine smile made its way onto her face.

"It's beautiful, sir."

Governor Swann smiled at her and gestured for Lucretia to help her into the dress, "I will be going to give Elizabeth her gift. When you are dressed please join us in her chamber."

Felicity let out a hum in agreement and watched as he promptly left the room. As soon as the door was shut Lucretia set to work helping Felicity into the extravagant dress. Although it was a fine gown Felicity knew instantly while undressing that it would horribly uncomfortable to where in the Caribbean heat.

The skirt was full and rested smoothly along her curve. When coupled with the corset, or the contraption of doom, Felicity's already small waist appeared even more so. The back of the dress was pleated and draped down over the skirt in a waterfall like fashion. She couldn't believe her eyes once Lucretia had finished.

"The dress looks stunning, Miss." Lucretia complimented as she sat Felicity down to do her hair. "Do you think it was made for the special occasion?"

"I have no doubt that Governor Swann had these dresses made with James Norrington's promotion ceremony in mind." Felicity answered fondly.

The young woman sighed as her thoughts wandered to the new commodore. James Norrington and Felicity Smith remained good friends ever since they first arrived in Port Royal. She would often be invited to attend afternoon tea with him and in return she was allowed access to his extensive library.

During their afternoon tea they would converse about his latest excursions and the latest book that had caught her fancy. They shared a passion for adventure and also a love for the sea. Although many people gossiped that they would make a fine match, it was well known that he fancied her companion, Elizabeth.

Once Lucretia had finished wrestling Felicity's bright red mane into an elegant up do, did. the young ward take a look in the mirror. Her pale skin seemed to glow as her bright blue eyes popped in contrast to the exquisite dress. Felicity felt absolutely regal and for a moment forgot her self.

"I feel like a heroine in one of my books."

Lucretia smiled as she pinned a straw hat to Felicity's head, "Which tale has currently caught your fancy?"

Felicity turned in her chair with a hint of mischief in her eye, "If you want I can read you to first chapter? I would love your opinion."

Lucretia shook her head, "You promised Governor Swann that you would see to Miss Swann. Perhaps later in the evening after the ceremony? I know my children would love to hear a new tale from the famous Miss Smith."

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