"Well?" Mrs. Ryder said impatiently. She was waiting for us to beg for forgiveness so that she could give us yet another lecture about why we need to pay attention in class.

"U-Um" Noah stuttered. He had no clue as what we were supposed to teach. I may not be good at school but I sure was good at pissing off a teacher. I took the chalk from Noah and looked back to the class.

"Today what Mrs. Ryder was teaching was pretty boring, agree?" I said looking around. There was a few snickers here and there causing me to smirk. I looked to Mrs. Ryder who didn't seem the slightest but impressed. This was going to be fun.

"Today" I said putting the chalk against the board. "Today Rowan, Noah and I will be listing off the reasons about why this class is boring" this caused more and more snickers to erupt.

"Reason one" I said facing he class. "Why do we need to learn science if we aren't going to use it?" This caused Mrs. Ryder to sigh and shake her head giving me a sign that I was doing this right.

"I want to be an actress" I said pacing around the front of the class. "I don't need science to be an actress, do I?" There were a few shakes of the head along with some 'no's'.

"Reason two-" I said getting cut off by Rowan.

"We don't like science because it's confusing and stupid" Rowan said proudly of herself. I have her a toothy smile, causing her to giggle a little. This all went away when a boy from the crowd spoke.

"Just like you" he laughed earning laughs and pats on his back from the rest of the football team. That was the one and only, Romeo Beckham.

I glared at him and his gang before walking up to his desk. I placed my hands on enough side of his desk then leaned in closely.

"You won't stop begging Sadie for forgiveness after she's told you at least a hundred times that she doesn't like you anymore." I snapped as I pushed my self up, still looking into his eyes. "I wouldn't be talking if I were you"

I walked away leaving Romeo stunned. You could see the embarrassment all over his face. There were a few 'ohh' going around the class until Mrs. Ryder butted in killing the mood.

"That is enough go sit down" she said as her heels hit the ground. They made those clicking sounds that were extremely annoying. She took the chalk from my hand and pointed us back to our seats. I took a bow earning claps from the whole class- that's everyone except Romeo, of course.

I grabbed Noah and Rowan's hand and walked down the isle gaining praise. Once we reached our seats I looked to Mrs. Ryder who had put our names down for Saturday detention.

"I don't have any plans this Saturday" she said crossing her arms. "And neither do you"

I looked over to Rowan and she was was shocked. As for Noah, he just looked pissed off. Both of them looked as if they regretted doing what had just been done. From the silence that had been created I could hear Rowan whisper something from under her breath. "Bitch" she said it so quietly that I almost didn't catch it.

I looked back to Mrs. Ryder and smirked "guess we'll see you there then."

Before Mrs. Ryder could say anymore, the bell cut her off telling us that it was now lunch. We all got up and ran out of class.

As we walked into the cafeteria, it seemed the news had spread about Mrs. Ryder calling us out and making us 'teach' a lesson for the class. Half the cafeteria started cheering and giving us praise.

"Way da go Millie"
"Nice lesson"
"Good job Rowan"
"Let's go, Noah!"

For me, this was normal-being the centre of attention, having everyone know my name. As for Noah and Rowan, this was new territory. They looked stunned that almost three quarters of the school knew their names.

"Wow Mills" Maddie said as we sat at the table. "What's the consequence this time?"

I sighed, "Saturday detention"

It sucked that I had detention but it wasn't like I had anything else to do. Sadie was going on a date with some guy that was bound to get his heartbroken. Maddie had her mothers birthday. Detention wasn't going to be fun or anything but at least Rowan and Noah would be there.

I looked over to Finn noticing that he was looking at me. As soon as we made eye contact he looked away creating an awkward silence.

"well it looks like you guys are famous now" Finn laughed. Rowan and Noah looked at each other and nodded.

Looks like they are famous.


Yep, I am. That sadly means there will be no update but that's okay bc I have a Friday update ready. It will be in the morning!


Heartbreaker . fillie Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora