I'll Always Find You (Part 2)

Start from the beginning

She loves him, their relationship was apparent to anyone with eyes. Cassandra had thought that Solas returned the Inquisitors affections, she'd thought he loved the elf, he was so protective and respectful of her.

Alas, even Cassandra can be wrong at times.

The Inquisitor shuffles again, her eyes opening for a brief second, glazed and milky. She's muttering again, writhing against the bed sheets clinging to her skin. If she moves too much, she'll reopen her wound, which, though not anything that should have been fatal, had caused her to lose a lot of blood.

Cassandra hesitates, her chest aching as she sees the pain her friend is in. She wants to do something, anything, to make her pain go away, to help! It's not fair for this life to end in such a way!

"How is she?"

Cassandra glances behind her, seeing Dorian hovering in the doorway. The normally well-dressed mage looks ragged, his eyes red and swollen. Bull hovers anxiously behind him, taking up the doorway. He'll have to turn sideways if he wishes to fit into the room.

"She is unwell, Dorian. I am not sure how much longer she has." Cassandra will not lie, it's too bad for that. She has no comforting words to offer Dorian as he steps forward, gazing down at the Elf before him. "Everyone should say their last words if they have any, she doesn't have long. The mages can do nothing for her."

"This should not have happened," Dorian mutters. His hand starts forward, but he stops himself, recoiling. He doesn't want to touch her, the guilt eating at him is too much. He doesn't want to cause her more pain, it's breaking him in half to see her this way. "This is all my fault."

"Do not think like that, kadan," Bull rumbles from the doorway. "This is not your fault, it is our enemies. She saved your life because you are her friend and she treasures you. Her sacrifice will not go forgotten."

"We need to hunt down those who did this and make an example of them," Cassandra mutters, her dark hair falling into her face as she finally looks away from the elf. She crosses her arms, gazing at the stone floor. "Show what happens when they injure one of our comrades."

"I can see my Chargers out, they'll find them." Bull says, still outside the door. "We will find them and bring them here for justice."

"Do so. Do not kill any of them," Cassandra warns, her voice growing dark. "I want to make sure they get appropriate justice."

Bull nods, his head lingering on the Elf before he disappears down the hallway.

"You should get Sera and Will," Dorian sniffles after a moment, holding himself. "They'll want to say goodbye."

"Will already knows, he's secluded himself to her tower and refuses to come down. He can hear her, he said, calling for Solas in the Fade." Cassandra sighs, pressing her hand against her eyes, rubbing them.

"Damned Elf," Dorian says, his eyes narrowing slightly. "He left her brokenhearted when she needed him most."

"We don't know his reasonings, Dorian."

"We don't have too, he is a coward." Dorian spits, finally feeling something other than guilt. Anger rolls through his body, making his blood boil as he clenches his fists. "He should be here for her and he isn't."

Cassandra sighs, but she offers no more argument.

She feels the same as Dorian.

They both look at the Inquisitor as she makes a pained sound, her hand suddenly reaching out, clenching into the sheets as the mark flares once more.

"I don't know which is causing her more pain," Cassandra says helplessly. She goes around the bed, hesitantly closing her cold palm around the glowing hand. "She's been in pain for a few months now, but she's been hiding it. The mark has been getting worse."

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