“Thanks again Marcy! When should I come again?” I asked.

“Today’s Thursday? How about Saturday evening? That when Derek practices. You two should just have lessons on the same nights, then you could carpool,” she suggested casually, but winked at me secretly. I blushed even harder.

Derek shrugged.

“Why not, you are going to instruct her personally aren’t you?” he asked. I looked at Marcy with wide eyes.

“You are?” I asked, flabbergasted.

“Yes, I think I am,” she said. I grinned and hugged her.

“Thank you!”

She laughed.

“No problem at all. I’ll see you both Saturday at seven then?” she asked, looking at Derek then at me. We both nodded.

“Of course.”

“Definitely!” we said in unison. We laughed and then made our way out of the studio and to the parking lot.

I stood outside of the passenger, leaning on the door and looking over the car at Derek.

“That place is amazing. Thank you so much for taking me along with you!” I said. He grinned.

“Just think of it as payment for lying to me,” he replied wiggling his eyebrows.

“Lying to-?” I cut off remembering that he had found I out I was girl when I was supposed to be a boy. “Ah!”

He laughed and got into the car. I climbed in next to him, shutting the door and throwing my bad in the back seat.

“You can’t tell anyone!”

“Seat belt!” he commanded me, a smirk playing across his lips. I rolled my eyes and buckled up.

“Come on Derek!” I exclaimed. He laughed.

“You are so not in any position to tell me what to do right now,” he said sneakily, wiggling his eyebrows again. I gaped at him.

“That’s not a very pretty look for a pretty girl like you,” he said with a wink and tapped my chin. I immediately shut my mouth with a clack of my teeth. I glared at him.

“You are so a player. I shouldn’t be surprised with you being a celebrity and all. Seems like rudeness and cockiness run in your veins,” I said rudely, sticking my nose in the air. He smirked.

“Don’t you know it,” he replied, turning on the car. I scoffed at him and looked out the window. “Come on now,” he said, poking my side. I squealed and grabbed my side where he had poked it. He laughed, shaking his head. “So jumpy!”

“Shut up and drive!” I growled. He laughed and pulled out of the parking lot. After a few minutes, I relaxed and started to fiddle with his radio.

“Where do you live anyway?”  he asked suddenly. I looked over at him.

“Oh, I just live down on Gibson road. You know down that way and-” I gave him directions to my complex. When he arrived there he let out a low whistle.

“Pretty snazzy,” he said. I laughed.

“Says the boy who drives the latest Lamborghini and probably lives in a mansion,” I snorted. He just shrugged and smirked. I rolled my eyes and reached into the back seat for my bag. “Thanks for the ride. Do you mind picking me up Saturday, too, like Marcy said?” I asked.

He grinned. “Course not. I’ll see you tomorrow, okay?”

I grinned back.

“Course,” I mimicked as I climbed out of the car.

“See ya, Lex!”

“See ya Derek- I mean Devin,” I said with a wink. We laughed. I waved and then shut the door. He waved through the window then drove off. I watched him drive away and then walked into the building.  

I walked up the front desk and found Gary hunched over a book. I flung myself across the counter and groaned.

“Why are boys so cute?!” I grumbled, exasperated. He looked up and laughed.

“I honestly don’t know! I think they are damn ugly,” he replied. I laughed.

“Yeah, well, I’m supposed to agree with that,” I said, patting the wig on my head. He gave me a sympathetic grimace.

“That seriously sucks. I always knew your mom was pushy and you dad was a super go with the flow kind of guy, but this is over the top.”

I grimaced back.

“Don’t I know. I don’t even know how my mother managed to get me in here, anyways. I mean, I’m pretty sure a ton of people know I’m a girl, I am the second smartest person in the freaking country!” I said shrilly.

“Wow, no joke. I never even thought about that. Damn, your mom is scary,” he said giving me a frightened look. I raised my eyebrows and nodded.

“I know.” I propped myself onto my elbows, setting my chin in my hands. “Anyways, enough about my pitiful life, what’s been happening with yours?”

He gave me a sarcastic smile.


I grinned.

“Any time my man.”

He rolled his eyes. “Well, not much.  College is going pretty well. Couple more years and I will be a done!”

“That’s awesome! You better invite me to your graduation,” I warned him. He laughed.


I stuck out my tongue, then grabbed my hands and stretched to the ceiling. My tummy grumbled and I grabbed it. 

“Jeez, well, I’m starving, so I’ll see you tomorrow, okay Gary?”

“Yeah, sure. See ya tomorrow Expo,” he waved and returned to his book.

“Later Gary,” I called as I stepped into the elevator. When the elevator finally reached my floor and binged, I stepped out, letting out a yawn while doing so. I had actually gotten pretty pooped from dancing that hard for the first time in a while.

I unlocked my front door and slammed it behind me, kicking of my shoes next to the coat rack on the way in. I made my way to me room them collapsed onto my bed.  It had been a long day. Or at least I felt like it had. I stood up and shucked off my jacket along with my uniform. I changed into some pajamas and then headed to the kitchen.

I managed to scrounge up an egg sandwich which wasn’t too bad. After wards I worked on my homework then got ready for bed. As I was brushing my teeth my phone buzzed. I picked it up and tapped in my code. Noel had texted me.

Good night. Sleep well. X

I smiled at his little way of giving me a kiss good night and tapped a reply.

Good night. Don’t let the bed bugs bite. <3 x

I set down my phone and continued brushing my teeth. My phone buzzed again and I picked it up.

I won’t ;)

I laughed and didn’t reply. After I finished my bathroom stuff I practically fell into bed. I was exhausted! I had a feeling tomorrow was going to a good day- or at least another interesting one.


A/N: Okay, so I lied when I said this was gonna be a less boring chapter! I'm sorry!!! Forgive me? :3

Hehehe, well, I know this one was a little short and (obviously) a little boring, but I wanted a fresh start (a new chapter) for a new day in Lexon's life! I hope you guys like it! MUCH LOVE <3 MWAH!


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2012 ⏰

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