A New Friend

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~Kara's POV~

What seems like forever has passed as the boys still lay silently in the circle. Why is this taking so long? Or either it hasn't been long maybe I'm just so impatient that it's so quiet. It wasn't long before Kimizuki awoke with his new cursed gear.

"Was it challenging?" I was beyond curious to know since I was not getting a cursed weapon myself, so I could not have the experience.

"It was challenging, the demon tried to manipulate my past, but I fought past it" Kimizuki was impressed himself that he was first to obtain his weapon and beat the demon.

10 minutes later Yuu woke up with a gasp.

"Your awake, how you feeling?" Gurren questioned.

"Fine I guess" Yuu sat up looking over to his weapon. A smirk crept upon his face. "I beat the deamon" For once in his life I'd wish he didn't have to be so cocky.

"You took your sweet time" Gurren pointed out. Yuu's eyes trailed to Kimizuki's gear.

"You got a cursed gear too" He asked slightly surprised.

"Of course I did"

"It's what you guys are here for" I rolled my eyes.

"Yoichi?" Yuu questioned a bit worried. Turning back he saw Yoichi still on the floor. I really hope he's alright. I can only hope that he comes back alive and not a man eating monster.

Moments later the statues face cracked in half leaving Yoichi no where to be found.

"looks like Yoichi didn't have the strength to over come the demon" Gurren sighed. "Oh man this is not good" He stood up.

"What where's Yoichi?" I asked, I sensed movement followed by a voice.

"One two three four humans and something of a different breed all for me" It continued grumbling right before summoning it's bow. That doesn't sound like Yoichi to me.

"Since you both have your cursed gear it's time for your first mission" Gurren started to say while playing in his hair. "A man eating demon somewhere in this room and I want you to deal with it" He finished just as a shot has been fired at Kimizuki and Yuu. Gurren motioned for me to stay back and let them handle it.

"Lt. Colonel can I share my opinion?" Shinoa asked, stepping up to Gurren.

"Please don't" He wasn't all for listening to what she had to say, which must be the reason he rejected her.

"The situation is out of control Gurren" Watching Yuu and Kimizuki dodging the demons blows while we waited for Gurren to answer.

"Gurren help us Yoichi is still one of us" Yuu called out. He believed that his friend could be saved and I know for a fact Yuu will stick by that until it's proven to be true.

"Your friend's body is a vessel the only way to save him is to destroy it" Gurren mentioned.

"The hell!" Yuu yelled at him.

"Don't you go soft on me this is the moon demon company" I looked at Gurren wide eyed for a bit thinking to myself. The Moon Demon Company is mean't to protect people, so why is it so different for comrades."That monster is not your friend show me that you are willing to fight and use your gear because extermination is your job" He added.

"Gurren...." He ignored anything that Shinoa and I had to say at this point completely blocking us out.

"Sorry Yoichi" Yuu said, pulling out his weapon aiming it at Yoihci. Kimizuki went head on blocking Yoichi's next attacks only to be kicked back to the ground. Yuu blocked Yoichi with his sword, this looked to be as graceful as I'd seen any human be. The way they moved so swiftly amazed me.

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