Your My Angle

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You watch over me as I drift to sleep
You hold my hand when I'm scared
You hold me when I cry
You keep me safe when demons are near
You're my angle, the one I can't live without
The one I need when I'm in doubt
The one that only I can hear
I miss you when you leave
My life light would go out if I didn't know you'd return to me
You keep me sane when all I can do is loose it
You wipe away my tears when they just won't stop
You're my angle, the one I can't live without
The one I need when I'm in doubt
The one that only I can hear
I miss you when you leave

Dear Rova,

I just wanted to say I'm sorry for the way I've treated you and I know your probably tired of me saying this but I feel that I have to tell you that you're my best friend no matter how much we fight. You're the greatest friend I've ever had.


No matter how much you get tired of hearing that, I always will.

Love you,

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2018 ⏰

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