Chapter 1 (Danielle's POV)

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I walk away from my friends throughly annoyed. Gosh, don't they have anything better to do than bother me about some guy. Ever since we "matched" on this dating thing my friend make they have been giving me a hard time. But if we are being honest here I have a little crush on him.

"Move it or lose it Dino Dan!" Robert yells running around the corner towards me.

"Watch it pig head!" I shout back.

There was Robert, handsome Robert. I mean Robert that I hate, the boy that I "matched" with. Uhhh being a teenager is so confusing. I go into English class and sit down.

"So Kam, who is all going to the park on Saturday?" I ask putting my books in the desk.

"Us girls and some of the boys. I think Robert is coming too." She says giving me the eyebrow.

"Oh you shut up." I say rolling my eyes. I couldn't get a day without peace and quiet about Robert

"Danbert!" A girl screams from across the room. I look over to see Alana and Grace giggling the corner.

"Their ship name is Danbert!" Alana smiles. You didn't have to be a genius to figure that they were talking about Robert and I.

"Shut up and take your fangirling somewhere else." I say glaring at them both. Alana can be so annoying at times. I was really only friends with Alana and Grace because they are smart and help me with school. That may seem shallow, but hey! I couldn't be friends with everyone.

Class begins, but I wasn't paying attention. I was staring at Robert. UHHHH! He makes me so angry, but at the same time I was attracted to him. He turns around and I quickly look away.

"Dan were you just staring at me? I'm not your boyfriend so stop looking at me." He sasses me.  Using an inside joke from before.

"My names not Dan, it's Daniele. GET. IT RIGHT." I yell clapping in his face.

"Yah that's what I said your name is Dan." He says smirking at me. I just wanted to reach up and slap that smile off of his face. I turn back to face Audrey.

"Watch this." I say, as the the teacher leaves the room to grab papers. I get out of my seat and start to dance. Doing my snap dance, I do it all the time. I glance around quickly just to check if Robert was watching and he was! I turn my head so he doesn't see me eyeing him up. I smile discreetly to myself, he had been watching me.

"Danielle if you want attention at least do something better than that." Robert says walking up to me. "Look I'm Danielle and I can do a dumb snap thing." He mocks me, trying to figure out what's I was doing.

"You can't even do it yourself, you ass." I say getting up in his face. He could make me so mad at times!

"I can't do it because my body is stopping me from making myself look like a fool."

"More like you are too dumb to figure it out."

"If I'm the dumb one, then why is that the only dance you do? Oh I know because you are too stupid to learn others."

For your information I do dance."

"Oh look at me I'm Danielle I'm so cool because I do dance."

"Shut up!" I yell. He was really getting on my nerves.

"Is that the best comeback you have?"

"If you would just shut up for once you would hear your brain telling you to stop." I shout.

I look around, no one moves. Dead silence. I look behind and the teacher was standing right there. Crap! I half smile at her, but the smiles was forced.

"Take a seat I'll deal with you too later." She sighs. I felt bad, I really liked she as my teacher, now she probably hates me.

Class ends, but the teacher either forgot to talk to us or she just didn't care. I skip out of class.

"Hey Audrey! Did you see that Robert was staring at me in class." I say hoping she would say he liked me.

"No, he was probably just being dumb."

"Hey, you don't have to be mean to him." I say defending him, I didn't want him to think I wasn't in to him.

"Oh my gosh!! You like Robert!" She yells staring at me.

"We knew it!" Alana and Grace tell from the other side of the hall high-fiving.

"Keep it down, and I DON'T like him." I say slapping her softly.

"If you don't like him why do we have to be quiet?" She grins at me walking down the stairs to the cafeteria. I run after her, she better not be telling Robert or anyone else.

"Why did you all decide to wear ties?" Grace asks sitting down at the table, referring to the boys, for most of them at wore ties today.

"No reason." Luke shrugs glancing slyly at Audrey.

I look turn to Robert and take his tie. I couldn't have Audrey and Luke be the only "couple" that was cute. Although they weren't actually a couple, but Luke likes Audrey. Robert doesn't even protest when I take his tie. I put it on my neck.

"That looks dumb Danielle." Audrey says laughing at me.

"That doesn't even go with your uniform." Alana says.

"Shut up Alana no ones cares." I say, Alana makes me so mad when she was right.

Andy, our youth minister, comes over and talks about which side of the tie makes it go up. I pull it tight around my neck and hold it up at the end. It looked like I had a noose on. I look at Robert, but he wasn't even paying attention. I sigh and take it off. I wish he would just ask me out.

"Hey Danielle nice tie." He smirks bursting out laughing along with the boys. UHHHHH! They make me so angry, stupid boys. It wasn't nice to make fun of people. The boys start whispering and I hear my name mentioned.

"I know your talking about me, why don't you tell all of us what you said." I say putting my hand on my hip.

"We were just saying you looked stupid." Robert grins, rolling his eyes.

"If you guys would actually say something-" I start to say.

"No one cares." Robert says slowly as if I was a baby.

"If you would just let me speak for once, but I guess you can't because your brain is to small to figure it out." I say stumbling over my words. I was just so mad at them, they never thought of anyone else, but themselves.

"Relax Danielle." Robert says with a smile. I open my mouth to say a sharp remark, but I see Roberts expression change as he looks at me. It turned softer than his normal hard expression and he smiles genuinely at me. I smile back, but one of the boys already had his attention again.

I hear giggling and turn to see Alana and Grace looking at Robert then me, then to Robert and back to me. I roll my eyes at them, I couldn't even talk to Robert without them making it seem like we were a couple. But if I was being totally honest, I kinda liked their teasing it gave me hope that Robert and I might happen.

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