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WARNING!: Suicidal thoughts in this chapter. If you have suicidal thoughts or actions please talk to someone you can trust. You could always message me if you are feeling down. :)

The kiss was short and sweet. Of course the first kiss isn't perfect, but it was close to what 9 year old me dreamed of. 

When we pulled apart the first one to act surprised was actually Yuri. 

Yuri's POV


'Yep. But she doesn't seem to be angry or upset. Thank God.'


"That was unexpected." You said, noticing he probably felt slightly awkward.

"I guess that was my way of saying... I like you too I guess." Replied Yuri. 

"You guess?" You said,teasing him.

"Yeah ok! I like you!" 

You erupted (not literally you are not a volcano) into laughter at his sudden outburst. 

Soon the sun had completely went down and you two went inside. 

A few moments later you had realized you had forgotten your phone in the treehouse. 

"I forgot my phone in the tree house I'll be right back!" You called to Yuri and his grandfather as you walked out the door. 

Thankfully you made it to the treehouse quickly without any issues. 

When you had found your phone you checked your messages. There was one from Mrs. Bell.

'Call me as soon as possible. It is important.'

You instantly dialed her number. 



Rin- she picked up.

"Hello? (name)? You might want to sit down."

You sat on the couch and replied with a simple "Ok."

"Darling, your father passed away in a car crash. Your mother is perfectly fine, with the exception of a few cuts and bruises."

You were not sure how to reply. So she just continued.

"Your mother wants him to be buried near where his dad (your Russian grandfather) will be. Since you have no family she wants to live in Russia with the twins as soon as possible. She has  almost enough money in the bank account to buy a apartment in the same building you are staying in. Not enough money yet but something can probably be worked out. If there is any way we can help let us know please (name)."

Until the end of the call you said nothing. 

At last you spoke. 

"Ok thank you for letting me know Mrs.Bell. Until my mother arrives here just make sure she is doing ok. Thank you goodbye."

You hung up.

Feeling emotionless and empty. 

You knew on the inside you were sad but all you could feel right now is nothingness. 

A feeling that makes you just want to end it all.

You debated the thought as you stood at the doorway of the treehouse.

'Definitely high enough.'

But you couldn't. Your mother would need help with the twins and it would only make things worse to leave.  

You silently entered the apartment but once you got to your room you broke down crying. 

Since Yuri's room is right next to yours he heard you soon. 

"(name)! What the hell is wrong?!" 

"Yuri my dad died."

He immediately left the room. You assumed he just didn't want to deal with you. 

But soon he returned with his laptop, blankets (mostly with tiger print), and pillows.

He picked you up, gently set you on the bed, and put a blanket on you. 

He sat next to you with the laptop in his lap.

You rested your head on his shoulder while he opened netflix (netflix + chill heh... not in this chapter nope.) and put on a show you know would cheer you up.

You both watched and soon your worries faded away when Yuri laughed at the characters jokes. 

He may be a bit aggressive at times but he does care a lot. 

Smol potatoes and YouTubers  (Yuri Plisetsky x reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora