Lost in the Woods

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I take off my top layer, so I am wearing only my undershirt 

"Why did you do that?" he asks. 

"This way I'll have a somewhat clean shirt for later." Neither of us doubts that there will be a later. 

"Oh. That's pretty smart."  We walk on in silence for a time. I am consumed with my thoughts, and he seems to be as well. 

There are so many unasked questions. How did we get separated from the group and end up here? Will we ever get back to camp or at least civilization, where we could get help? Neither of us asks, so we keep walking. 

It becomes obvious that we'll need to find water before we can even think of looking for civilization. I've never been more glad that I actually remembered my giant water bottle. Before I can say anything, he suddenly straightens up. 

"I hear a stream." 

Knowing and trusting his extraordinary sense of hearing, I believe him and follow as he carefully walks through the trees. Sure enough, he was right and we soon arrived at a stream. We inspect the water, and come to the mutual decision that it's clean enough. I dip my water bottle in, and we move on, following the stream.

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