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   Brown leaves were slowly disapearing under a blanket of white snow as I watched from a barred window. The room was colder than it seemed outside to be. The very room I sat in, looking at the square window was silent and stark white, void of any color besides my own self. It's been so long that I've seen nothing but white, a window such as the one I was seeing snow fall out of was a great blessing. Last I remember anything of such powdery looking cold  was when I had been around seven.

   That's the age everything started turning in my life; seven was how old I was when my family went up in flames that sprouted from my hands. Granted, at that moment, I was young and could have inhaled a lot of smoke, so when I had been asked about what had happened and I had said what I remembered about the flames coming out of my finger tips during a little timper tantrum, everything could have been taken as childish imagination. That hadn't happened though. What had happened was the fact that I had been sent to a science facility to be tested. It had turned out that I wasn't the only one to have signs of such control over elements, natural or physical or whatever else was out there. Now, out of all those I had seen and grown up with from seven years of age to now, I'm the only one alive.

   The sound of an opening door made my eyes shot to the floor, but other than that, I showed no more signs to that I had heard someone enter my room. There were no sounds to the footsteps, but I know what's always to come after someone enters my room. It's never fun on my end, but it seems like it is on their's -- each scientist has a different version to sadistic humor, but they all have it nonetheless.

   What happened that wasn't similar was that there was laughter. Turning my head and lifting my eyes, what I saw was deffinately not a scientist. No... The person standing there, five feet away from me, was dressed too casually in black shoes, black, semi-dressy pants, and a white hoody that had red stains on them that looked fresh. Then the man's, for I was sure it was a man, face showed skin that was just as white as the white parts of his hoody, a mouth that didn't look like a mouth because of scars that formed a parmanent smile, and dialated, black eyes that looked to have no eyelids. He was a peculiar sight, seeing as this was the first time I've ever seen someone dressed in something other than suits or dresses.

   The being in the stained hoody laughed once more before he shot towards me, knocking up both to the floor on the other side of the bed. "My, you sure are quiet... Let's see if that'll change, shall we?" That's when the stains possible orgins clicked into my head; those red stains where most likely blood.

   I found myself staring intently into the lidless eyes when I spoke up for the first time in many years, "Those stains, are they of the workers here?"

   He tilted his head to the side before the carved smile widdened substantially, "Yes, I didn't want to be interrupted when I did as I was told. Plus, I had been given some freedom to do what I normally do, and I wouldn't want it to be wasted by someone walking in." His voice was nearly... musical, like he was close to singing a song. "Why? Are you scared~?"

   I was still staring attentively at the man's eyes, a small smile of slight relief of being left alone -- well, having them leaving me alone, at least -- before I spoke up again in my calculating tone, "No, glad actually. I was pretty close to doing the same myself, you just saved me the trouble."

   Surprise, I think, flashed through those black eyes. I guess he hadn't been expecting me to be greatful for deaths. We stared at one another, he above me as we were still on the floor, for several moments while silence inveloped us. Then the man started laughing, so badly that he rolled off of me and curled into a shaking ball of insane sounds. The only part I allowed to move was my head, and that was to look at the laughing man covered in my tormentors' blood, smearing the floor as he shook heavily with each laugh.

   "Man," He spoke up, amusment still evident in his voice, "that's not something that I had been told to expect from you. Oh..." He let a small chuckle out as he sat up and looked at me already staring at him, "Come on, let's get you out of here. There are people who would like to meet you."

   He hadn't offered to help me up, and I don't think that's how his mind works, so I wasn't offended in any way about that. One thing bothered me though; "What's your name?"

   He hummed before speaking, almost as if he had been thinking about if he should tell me or not. "I'm Jeff. What's your name?"

   "Don't remember... I remember I had been given one, though. It's just been so long since I've been called it."

   "Hmm, I guess everyone at home can help give you a name when we get there..."

   The smile that crept upon my face was bigger than the last one, but not by much. After that, we moved on in silence, heading towards a wooded area. Throughout the whole walk, I couldn't help but keep thinking about what could be the cause of this man coming to do all this, and what all he had been told...


[This is a creepypasta idea that I got from reading Once Upon a Nightmare written by nofunnybusinessxD -- though with my own twists. Where she only has one input character, I'll be putting in two. If any of what I have written in this chapter -- or future chapters -- seem similar to Once Upon a Nightmare, tell me and I will see if I can change it to where it's not. Please and thank you.

Tell me what you think of it, though.

   - Biscuit]

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07, 2014 ⏰

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