One Less Person

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Cloe's POV

Cameras, laughter, smart remarks, glares, threats. Have you been through that. Who knew that standing up to Mr. Scary would turn many people against you? The threats weren't just from him, though, his friends pitched in with some amazing ones. Such as..

"He's gonna beat your a**." "Better watch out, nerd. He's coming." And my favorite, "if you don't kill yourself, Matt will kill you off himself." How stupid! He is just an 'intimidating' human, he wouldn't kill me, I'm too well trained to allow it.

I walk into the silent house and leave my backpack and sweater on the chair. I grab some chocolate because who would deny chocolate? Certainly not me. I go up to my room and open my iPad, turning on the music.

I start singing softly and lie on my bed thinking. I have no one to resort to and am left alone. I learned my wonderful friend is extremely "busy" and "cannot hang out all week". Very convincing. Oh well, it's not like I want her to come over anyways. She would ask way too many questions.

I continue singing one of my favorite songs. Happier by Ed Sheeran. It shows how he is trying to get through the heartbreak this girl has caused him and seeing her move on, seemingly happier with the new guy then she was with him. He still can't get over her though, even though he knows how much he hurt her.

It's powerful, and nobody knows I can sing. It's a talent I plan to take with me to the grave. The only person who knew was my sister, but she is gone now. I turn my head to look at the picture of us. I was 10 and she was 11, we were at Disney World holding ice cream. Both of us have the biggest smile on our faces.

I shake my head, trying to get rid of the memories. I can't take staying home anymore so I grab my phone and walk out the door. I walk around with my head hanging down, not noticing anything in front of me. Until I hear a familiar voice.

"Yeah, I'm just hanging out with her cause I feel bad for her. I just wanted to see what she would tell me but she has said literally nothing. What a joke. I need to leave her." Macy. Typical, you can't trust anyone anymore. I knew I couldn't the day we met.

"So you know nothing about her?" A voice asks and it takes me a moment to recognize it, Chase Gram. Matthew Cramer's best friend.

I try to turn the other way when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I spin around and shoot out my arm, hitting the person straight in the nose.

"Ow!" I heard a high pitch screech. Macy. I try to contain my laugh and look over, acting worried.

"Macy! Oh my gosh I'm so sorry! Are you ok?" I question and she rolls her eyes at me.

"I'm not friends with you anymore." She states and this time I really do laugh.

"Honey, we never were." She gasps and stomps away on her heel as I watch her leave. Chase looks at me and begins to walk over.

"Ahh, so Cloe is your name. You have Matt on a rampage, I loved the 'Alexander the Great' part. That was really funny." He states and I just stare at him in confusion, not really sure what to say.

"Do you know who I am?" He asks and I nod.

"A full description of what I know is that you are Chase Gram, best friends with Matthew Cramer. One of the leading football players and the second most talked about guy in school, behind Matthew, but it's really close. You act foolish sometimes and you seem to have no care in the world, but you're serious when needed. You are like Uriah from Divergent." I tell him and his jaw drops.

"Stalker much?" He asks and I roll my eyes.

"I'm going to tell you the same thing I told Matthew. You two are literally EVERYWHERE. Everyone, even the deaf and blind, knows who you two are. Like I said, the two most talked about guys in school, I'm silent and the silent know most. Don't be surprised."

"Why weren't you angry when Macy told you that you guys weren't friends anymore?" He asks and I shrug.

"Why should I tell you?"

"I asked. Plus, you made fun of my best friend."

"He deserved it, what with his head always up his butt, I'm not surprised he ran into me, he couldn't see a thing." I fire back and Chase chuckles.

"I like you." He says and I scoff.

"Well I don't like you, so make like the sun and stay miles away from me." With that I walk away from him. I head back home, that was way too much socializing for the day. That is two more people then the amount of people I usually talk too. That was one!

Now it's gonna drop to zero. Great! Loner gets to be made fun of again, how fun. I don't know what I did to deserve this but I know it wasn't bad. Everything bad happens to me, that's just the way life works.

Slowly Fadingजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें