They ask you out

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You look in the mirror at your reflection. You hear a knock on the door and do another once over at your outfit. You hurry to the door and open it to see Dick. "You ready to go?" he asked. You nod. You grab your phone and jacket and lock the door behind you. You both walk down to Dick's motorcycle. He hands you a helmet and you put it on. You drove for about 2 minutes when Dick pulled into a parking lot. You got off of his bike and took your helmet off. You look around. "Where are we?" You ask Dick. "It's a surprise." He turned you around and placed a blindfold over your eyes. He guided you up what you guessed was a hill. You felt Dick stop so you stopped too. "You ready?" He asked. You rolled your eyes underneath the blindfold, "Of course I'm ready." You replied. Dick removed the blindfold and in front of you stood a bench with faerie lights in the tree above it.

You gasped at the sight in front of you. You started walking forward taking in the scene. You turned to look at Dick who was looking at you in awe. "I love it Dick. It's beautiful." You say. Dick just smiles at you. You go and walk around the tree taking in all the lights. Dick just stares after you. "You know, I have been wanting to ask you something" Dick says, nervously. You turned to him and tilted your head. "Ask me what" you ask. Dick looks at you for a moment. "Would you go out with me" he asks. "Absolutely" you say with a grin.

Red Hood:

You were sitting in your apartment watching TV. You were just browsing through channels since nothing good was on. You hear a knock on your window. Confused, you turn and see it was Jason. You go over and let him in. "Hey." He says while sitting on the fire escape. "Hey." You say with a chuckle. "What's up?" "Nothing, just passing by, thought I'd stop by." He says. You smile, looking down. For a while you have had a slight crush on Jason. He was awesome. He was one of the best friends you could have asked for. The problem is, he was just a friend. "So I was wondering, tomorrow night we could head out and grab a couple beers. Sound good?" He asked. "Sure, sounds perfect." "Great." His phone started ringing. He looked at the caller ID but put his phone away. "It can wait" he says while smirking. You grab his hand and pull him through the window into the warmth of your living room.

Red Robin:

You were heading home from work after an exhausting day. You got to your apartment building to see your friend, Tim, standing by the door. "Hey", you said walking up to him. "Hey" he said back. "I tried to get in, but you weren't home, and I didn't want to barge in uninvited." He explained. "Tim, I wouldn't have minded. You're always welcome." You say. He gives a small smile, "I know. It still feels rude." You shake your head laughing lightly. You walk up to the door and unlock it, opening to let yourself in. "You coming?" You ask. "No I have to head back home." You look to the ground sadly. "Listen, (y/n), I was wondering if you...would maybe like to go out and have dinner with me?" He said nervously. "I would love to Tim. When and where?" You ask. "Don't worry about that. I'll come around and pick you up." He gave you a quick hug and got in his car.

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