Who is the one???

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~Ok so I have never written a story before so who ever reads this I hope you like it I'm sorry if its not properly written or I miss spell words Have fun reading I will try and make this al long as I can~

Chapter one

"Nash give it back come on please!" I said as I was chasing Nash because he took my phone. I am Clair I have been hanging out with the magcon boys for as long as I can remember. I live next to Nash so me and him are best friends. We use to hang out when we where little and we still do. Most of the time I go to magcon with him. When I got to magcon I usually hang out with the boys.


As I sit on the hotel bed next to carter I say "Nash are you ever going to give my my phone?" "Nope" Nash says as he is taking pictures with Matt. So I just let him as carter lays his head in me he says "OMG I don't want to leave here this place is so awesome." I lay my head on his head and Nash stopped taking pictures and put my phone in his back pocket and pushed carter off and he picked me up carried me to the elevator and put me in there and pushed all the buttons and ran out "Nash what are you doing!! OMG I am going to kill you!!" Of corse we where on the top floor so I had to go threw every floor until I got to the last one I went all the way back up and when I went into the room I saw Cameron getting some ice. "Hey Cameron." "Hey Clair what are you doing out here so late?" "Nash hit all the buttons on the elevator and left me so I had to wait to go threw every floor then I had to come back up" "oh haha Nash would do that" "yeah so what are you doing out here?" "Oh just getting some ice because Matt poured the ice on the floor doing a vine." "Oh haha" "yeah so witch room you staying in?" "I don't know yet I probably will sleep with Nash in his bed but i don't know haha." "Ok well I am going to go in the room before Matt and them break something but if you want to you can come sleep in the room im in if you want. We have the doors that connect the rooms." "Ok I might thank you for offering." Your welcome" then my phone made a ding and I looked at it and it was a snapchat from Nash. "What's that? Cameron asked "oh it's just Nash snapchating me." "Oh you have a snap chat?" "Yeah you have one? "Yes what is your snapchat?" He said as he pulled out his phone getting on snapchat. "It's Clair_103" "ok i added you I will snap you when I get in the room talk to you later" "ok bye" I walked into the room Nash was in and he looked up fast and Nash stood up so fast and said "where have you been I snapchated you 10 times and you never answered!" "I'm sorry I was in the hallway talking to Cameron." "Oh ok" I sat my phone down and walked over to Nash and sat next to him then he gave me a hug and then he licked my face "eww Nash!! Your so nasty!" "You know you liked it." We started laughing and then carter started playing turn down for what then he started twerking to it while Hayes was jumping on the bed then Hayes jusmped over to Nash's bed and when Hayes was jumping across Nash hit his leg and made him fall on his face. I started laughing.


I know I shouldn't but I do. I think I might be falling in love with my best friend. I don't think she likes me thou I think she likes one of the other boys. When I pushed carter off and put Clair in the elevator it wasn't cause I was playing around it was because I didn't want him to lay his head on her like that I mean I know carter doesn't like her like that but I don't want anything to happen. I also don't want her to date one of them because I know they will hurt her and I am the only one who won't hurt her. She has been on her phone all night sense she got back. I won't to just pick her up and hug her forever. I want her to be mine. I don't want to love her like I do because if she doesn't like me like I like her and I tell her she might not want to be my best friend anymore. Ughh this is to difficult to think about the night before magcon I have to be prepared to kiss girls tomorrow but I don't want to kiss anyone but her. I have to kiss my fans though they have payed good money to see us and I have to give them a good show. "I guess we should go to bed before we forget to get up at 9 for magcon." I hope she sleeps with me tonight she is so cute when she sleeps she looks like a little baby. "I think I am going to sleep in the other room this time." Clair said getting up from my bed. WHAT! Why would she want to sleep in the other room?! "Oh ok who's bed you sleeping on?" I asked trying not to tell her she can't because I want her to sleep on my bed. "Cameron's he said I could if I wanted to." She walked into the bathroom to change into her pjs. She walked out and she had her really cute pjs on she had a pink tank top on with grey sweatpants on that had pink written on them down the side. "Ok well see you in the morning." I said as I took my shirt off getting dressed in the middle if the room not even caring. I just wish she would stay over here. Cameron better not try anything or I will hurt him.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 06, 2014 ⏰

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