The bystanders

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We are all bystanders to something that happens wither someone is being bullied or they are trying to make the person fight you step in and u try to do the right thing and you help that person out u just don't stand their and watch a nice sweat person gets beat up or be bullied you put a stop to it. And you will stick up for that person because sometimes people don't think that they should save them but it is always nice to be friends.  With someone who gets picked on everyday about him or her looks and how they smell and what types of shoes that they were i did not know that was important to kids these days but if they don't wear Jordan nikes or Adidas they make fun  of there shoes . Making fun if someone is what makes some kids want to kill there selves because people act like they can't say anything nice to that person just for the heck of it and it is really sad that they fell that way.

I really think that you people need a brain check because of you just want to pick on the kids who have no self astime and they don't know how to stick up for themselves and u should tell them that they are not alone they to have benn bullied in their life time.

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