⤏ biography

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  Soon Bibiana started to date again. Her high school years were filled with dating jerk bags but her options were wide open. Bibiana had met a girl named Michelle Salvatore that she had soon fell for. Before Bibiana decided to date Michelle, she had came out to her family as bisexual. The Solace family had accepted her sexuality since they were ready to accept Bibiana to the Army.

  After getting accepted for her sexuality, Bibiana started to date Michelle. She was happy during her junior year of her college life. Felicity wasn't fond of Michelle and told Bibiana multiple times. Bibiana had told Felicity that she was also not fond of her boyfriend. Soon Michelle started to become overprotective. The feeling of being owned and not being her own person had upset Bibiana. Being the person she was, she broke up with Michelle.

  Senior year of college, Bibiana had helped to create a super viris with Felicity. Which would later come back and bite Felicity in the ass. During the time of hacking into things and exposing people, they were dating people. Bibiana had dated Mayron Forest while Felicity was in a long relationship with his roommate. After the arrest of Felicity's boyfriend, Felicity changed and Bibiana rethought her future. It caused her to think of a career outside of the law and into science.

Joining S.T.A.R. Labs

  Fresh out of college with a history and great knowledge, Bibiana attracted many companies. Her parents knew Bibiana was going to accept the military so they didn't complain about all the offers. Bibiana was overwhelmed with all the offers that she spent time looking at each one. She compared and contrasted everything, but it wasn't until Harrison Wells had visited her.

  Dr. Wells told Bibiana of all the lives she could save and change. He had convinced Bibiana into working into S.T.A.R. Labs when he explained the whole thing to her. Bibiana was caught up with the idea of changing lives of everyone with just science. She had declined the military and joined S.T.A.R. Labs.

  When Chang and Lydia found out what had happened, they were angered. They got into a argument before Bibiana moved out. This had caused a shaky relationship with her family. The closet family member to Bibiana is her younger brother Kai. Ross had got over Bibiana's choice after a month. He was busy trying to put a family together and go higher up the ranks. Chang Jr was still mad at Bibiana that they did not talk unless Bibiana calls him or he is forced.

Moving to Central City

  Moving to Central City was hard for Bibiana. She didn't have help, friends, or family when she tried to move in her apartment. Bibiana was forced to do it all on her own which made her realize somethings. She will not always have someone to help her.

  On her first day on the job, Bibiana had joined Hartley's team in S.T.A.R. Labs. Annoying Hartley was Bibiana's favorite thing to do after discovering that he was a walking dick. While annoying Hartley on her first day, she had met Caitlin Snow. The two girls had became really good friends that was soon turned into best friends.

  After spending some time working in S.T.A.R. Labs, Bibiana had met Ronnie Raymond. Upon discovering that Caitlin and Ronnie had started dating, she had threw a party.

Meeting the Arrow
[This takes place during season one of the TV show Arrow]

  Bibiana was visiting Starling City for Ross's wedding. The first day in Starling City, Bibiana went to visit Felicity at Queen Consolidated. During her visit, Oliver Queen had went down to ask Felicity to check something for him. Bibiana was suspicious by what was asked so she had hacked into Queen Consolidated. After seeing what she had found, Bibiana told Felicity she would meet her at Big Belly Burger.

  Upon her way back to her Starling City home, Bibiana was kidnapped by her ex-girlfriend Michelle. Bibiana had struggled and attempted to escape multiple times. With every attempt that was made, Bibiana was knocked out with a frying pan.

  Soon, the Arrow had arrived and saved Bibiana. Michelle was sent to prison for kidnapping Bibiana. The Solace girl had confronted Oliver Queen the next day before the wedding. She told him that she knew he was the Arrow in which he acted confused. Bibiana had grabbed his arm and pointed to his wrist where she had previously bit him. Oliver was forced to make Bibiana keep his secret, in which she did.

Meeting Cisco Ramon

  It was a normal day for Bibiana Solace at work. She was walking through the hallways of S.T.A.R. Labs on her way to her computer. When she had bumped into Cisco Ramon. The two immediately bonded over the fact Hartley was a dick and their common interest.

Receiving Her Powers

  The night of the particle accelerator, Bibiana was working. She had detected something wrong with the particle accelerator. Bibiana had informed Dr. Wells who told her that he'll take care of it. He had sent Bibiana out to get coffee due to the fact that she was lacking sleep.

  On Bibiana's way back to S.T.A.R. Labs, she was watching everything live on her phone. She was crossing the parking lot when it started to rain and when the particle accelerator exploded. A wave of dark matter hit Bibiana at the same time as her phone shocked her.

  A week after being shot by her phone, Bibiana woke up in S.T.A.R. Labs. Caitlin and Cisco explained what had happened when they found her in the parking lot. When she was passed out, Bibiana was shocking Caitlin every time she tried to poke a needle in her.

  Upon discovering what she could do, Bibiana changed. The girl who once could tell jokes and smile often was gone. She was quiet for nine months before she had met Barry Allen. After that, her life started to change.

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