Chapter Three

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I'm sure a lot of you guys are probably confused about this story since I didn't explain it at the overture nor the description so let me do it now.

SCARLETFLOWER and AQUALIFE are enemies. They were united before but some shit happened that cause them to sepaRate and if any of them was spotted at the enemy base, the enemy will not hesitate to kill them.

Example: one of the ScarletFlower ppl entered the AquaLife territory. And if that person who is trespassing is caught, that person will die. That's the only thing Scarlet and Aqua do in common.

Soo.. if you have any questions of the story don't hesitate to comment on what is it and I will answer it.


Grabbing the small guy by the collar, he pinned the smaller against the tree before grabbing his knife.

"What are you doing here?"


"It's so fucking cold today. Even the heater is doing a bad job." Jonathan mumbled, adjusting his hockey mask before slipping outside.

Earlier, Jonathan planned on stalking his target for a while in order for him to know what his target can resist and what can weaken him. So... If you're guessing that he's going to sneak into the ScarletFlower's territory then yes.

He walked over the forest beside his house and smirked. "The forest of ScarletFlower and AquaLife huh? Can't believe they share the same forest just because the forest separates us and them." Murmuring those words, he finally stepped inside the forest grinning.

"Here comes daddy."


' What am I doing in front of the forest?' Evan thought and stared at it. The leaves of the tress sways from the cold air and Evan could only look at it. Without knowing, his body moved on its on and he found himself wandering in the forest.

"Never did I explore here....."  Evan whispered and looked at a tall tree with many branches. Deciding something, he climbed up the tree and sat at the highest branch that is somewhat strong.

The view before him is aesthetic. The flowers blooming down, the river calm, many ponds could be seen, millions of overstretched trees making it more beautiful and finally the sound of nature making you feel at ease. Evan stared at its beauty, a smile stretching at his lips as he stared in admiration. Soon he start to grin and find himself humming a tune while swinging his legs back-and-forth.

"Nature... is indeed beautiful."


"How long would it take before I get there?" Jonathan groaned as he kept walking and walking in the forest. He found himself bored and a bit of tired, wanting to sit down and rest for a little bit. He stops complaining and starts walking again, cursing under his breath for the forest being so wide and long.

"As you bite your lips,
I lament." Jonathan's head perked up when a voice, a beautiful and peaceful voice of someone singing reached his ears.

"The outrageousness of it all..." He looked around, trying to find where the person singing is.

"I wipe away the tears that shouldn't be there..." Eyes wandering here and there, he followed the ravishing voice.

"Pretty words won't do, I can't protect you any longer."

As the voice became louder, he look up from trees to trees.

"So let's take a firm stand of this tear-drenched path.."

Jonathan's breath hitches as his eyes landed on a figure of a tiny-framed person sitting on a highest branch of tree, swinging his legs like a little girl.


And fight the present."

As if it was an energy drink, the exhaustion was slowly fading away from him as he watched the boy sing.  Jonathan looked at his raven hair that is swaying from the wind, his chocolate brown orbs that sparkled when he gazes at the nature.

"Is he really a boy?" Jonathan whispered to himself and watched the small boy carefully stand on the branch, his tiny right arm grabbing the tree for support. Jonathan find the raven haired-boy cute as he studied every inch of the boy. Heck, his curvy figure, his short height and his breath taking eyes makes him look like a female.

He was snapped out of his daze when he felt the wind pick up. His eyes were fixed from the boy tried to hug the tree for dear life but is failed miserably as he loose his balance to fall. When he heard the boy squeaked, without any other thoughts or decision, Jonathan sprinted toward the place where the small boy is going to land and caught him in his arms.

Time seems to like become slow as their eyes met, not caring for the fact he's carrying him bridal-style which is a bit embarrassing for them to feel if other people is looking at them. They stared at eachother, hearts pounding against their ribcage.

"What---- Ho-How--- W-Why---"


What I have said earlier, comment down your question and I'll be gladly to answer them.

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