Chapter 2:

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I stood up and cheered victoriously. "Oh my gosh really Hugh?!"

He laughed, "Well duh! It would be fun. Alsooo I hear Alesana and Asking Alexandria are competing in Battle of the Bands this year. I think we should now."

We all glared at him and I laughed sarcastically. "AS IF! Like we could win against Asking Alexandria OR Alesana. Wake up from your damn fantasy world Hugh." I snapped vulgurly.

Hugh's eyes got bright then teared up in shame. I obviously hurt him without intentions and I wanted to make it right.

"Hugh, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean what I said. You are my best friend and I would never mean to hurt you intentionally. You know that." I spoke in a hushed tone. I prayed he would forgive me.

The corners of his mouth lifted to a smile and he laughed. "It's okay Allison. I know you didn't mean it on purpose. I would never let something that stupid come between us."

Cheyenne began making gagging noises and i flipped her off. She gasped and Cody sat back and laughed. I swore he was about to die from laughter.

I breathed a couple of times. "Well if we are gonna do this Battle of the Bands, we better get to work." I said flashing a smile to Hugh.

We all cheered and I cleared my throat. I hoped doing the screaming wouldn't destroy my vocals and end the band. If it did, my friends would hate me forever. I would embarrass myself for dropping out. So I held on to hope and smiled and laughed with the others.

**Sorry this chapter was so short. I wrote in class and the next chapter I promise will be much longer :)

Battle of the BandsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora