That One Morning

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Candice woke up to the nice smell of pancakes and coffee. She got out of bed and yawned. She looked around and noticed that she wasn't in her bed. She started to panic. She then walks out of the room remembering that she must of fell asleep at G's house. She can see Jett and Nora fast asleep on the couch.

On the table Candice's breakfast is served with a note right next to it reading, "Sorry I left, had to run some errands." Candice chuckles to herself. "Errands." She says.

She digs into her breakfast feeling mighty hungry. After finishing her breakfast, she cleans the dishes. Maybe a littls bit of the apartment too. Before she leaves, she kisses Jett and Nora goodbye and leaves the apartment.

When she gets near the bustop she gets a message from Danielle.

D: Is it true?

C: Is what true?

D: That you slept with Grant? It's all over the news.

C: Crap. Fyi I did not. I just happened to fall asleep at his place, no biggie.

D: I'm pretty sure other people won't believe that.

C: Next, I'm gonna be called in from Extra to give an interview. Can you help me Danielle?

D: Sure but it wont be easy.

C: Thank you so much we can meet up later.

Candice gets on the bus making sure to put on her sunglasses to hide from the other people. When she gets to her apartment complex she runs inside locking the door behind her. She rushes to her couch and opens up her laptop and searches, "Candice Patton dating Grant Gustin?" What comes up is remarkable. She clicks on the first site and reads the article. "This is bad." She thinks.

She goes on her Instagram and takes a random photo and types into the caption, "I don't know what y'all are doing right now but it needs to stop. I know it seems me and G are dating but we're just really close friends. This damages my career. I don't know what to say honestly..please think before you post anything."

She turns off her phone and lays back in her couch sighing.

Before she can doze off she hears her phone going off, G's calling him.

"Candice, I saw your Instagram. What are you talking about?"

"Sorry G, apparently I was caught walking into your apartment and now people are assuming I slept with you."

"Crap, I'm sorry I never should of invited you it bad?"

"It's pretty bad but Danielle agreed to help me. Besides, who cares what the people think, stop beating yourself up."

"Don't worry, we'll get this fixed. In the mean time..I'm going to go talk to Greg to see if he can also help with the problem."

"Thanks G, you're always there to help."

"Candice, why do you like to call me G?"

Candice smiles into her screen.

"Cause it suits you and it's pretty cute."

"Okay, whatever, talk to you later?"

"Yeah, later."

She hangs up.

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