Luxury at Last-And a Handsome Man Too

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We finally reached the palace! I was so excited I could barely breathe.
"Uncle, the palace is so beautiful!", I cried. It was like being inside a jewelry box. Elegant women were drifting around in floaty layers of chiffon.
"This is the women's chamber", Pedro said, nervously peeping in. "I have two suites reserved, one for you and one for Magdalena".
We thanked Uncle and walked into the swirl of opulence.
"Oh! Who are the little girls?"
A woman walked up to us. She couldn't have been much older than Leonor, but she looked mature and sophisticated. She made me feel like a child.
"What little girls? You mean besides yourself?", I asked. "Because I am Lady Vanessa de Castillo".
Her eyes narrowed.
"And I am Countess Juana de Aguilar, cousin to the Queen Consort".
I winced. I had insulted a very powerful bitch in my first seconds at court. Not good.
But when a quiet little servant escorted Maggie and I to our rooms, I knew I was born for luxury like this. Solid gold tables and silk and Vanessa. Heaven!
Then, an awfully handsome man walked in. He had an arrogant, grin, broad shoulders,and a rugged jaw.
"I'm Gino de Mendosa. Are you Vanessa de Castillo?"
I swooned, but my brain stopped me. Wasn't that the name of the man who disgraced Leonor?

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