Chapter 4

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Benson ordered me to take at least 2 days off. Raf got his boss to let him take those days off too, so he could take care of me. We were sitting in the same position we were in when I miscarried the baby when I decided it was time to tell him.
"Raf." He started rubbing my back. "Yeah Ky?" I sighed. "I.. uh, I wanna talk about what happened yesterday." My eyes started watering. "When I woke up, in the ER, the nurse told me what the pain was from. She told me I was 5 weeks pregnant. I.." I burst into tears. "I miscarried."
He kinda froze and learned his head back, choking back tears. "Mi amor, why didn't you tell me?" I felt like I couldn't breathe. "It was my fault. I did everything wrong. I drank, I had caffeine. Its all my fault." He picked me up and hugged me tight. "Shh, Ky. It's not your fault. You didn't even know you were pregnant. Now how about we go to bed and just cuddle." I nodded. When he fell asleep I just kept saying in my mind: "What did I do to deserve someone as wonderfully kind as Raf?"

I woke up unusually early, around 4, so I got up to make breakfast and go for a walk. I kinda wish I did have work, so I could do something to keep my mind off what happened. I made myself some toast and did a quick walk. When I got back Raf was still asleep. Raf looked so peaceful when he slept. I climbed back into the bed to get more sleep and he wrapped his arms around me. I just wanted to stay like this forever. Snuggled up with his arms around me.

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⏰ Last updated: May 12, 2017 ⏰

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