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Oh my god. I am going to go on my first date. Even though I had on and off again dated Noah. We never really went anywhere. So that started the rumor that our first date was in the back of his Dodge which was bullshit.
I would never do that. Now I don't know what I am going to wear.

Then after 3 outfits and couple of hours, I finally decide to wear a little pink sundress. I hope it is not to little, looking myself in the mirror I hope he can't tell I don't have a bra on. But I can't exactly wear one with this dress.

"Drake! Nevermind no York! Please come here. Please." I yell opening my door and giving myself one more look over. York then come busting in my room out of breath and cussing.

"What.... What baby girl are you okay?" He ask looking me up and downs, but he stops at my boobs.

"Where the fuck go you think your going dressed like that? Who are you going with, tell me who? And go in that closet and put on a goddamn bra. Fuck Hazel you are going to get me arrested." He says popping his knuckles and then she starts pacing.

"Okay what crawled up your ass and died?" I ask him giving him a small kiss on the cheek. I guess I should have picked something else to wear. Before I can back away from him he pulls me into a hug.

"Baby girl, where are you going?" He ask me into my hair.

"Oh a date for your information." I tell him sticking my tongue out.

"What. Not like that."he says looking down at me like I am crazy.

"And why our?" I ask pulling back from him and moving to look at myself in the mirror.

"Cause damn it, I can't let you out do the house in that." He says motioning towards my outfit.

"It's just Luke calm down." I say looking up at him and giving him another kiss on the cheek then a wink cause I know it is going to piss him off.

"I am going to kill him." He says running out of my room down steps and out the front door to his car.

"Noo. York please calm down." I yell stepping in front of him in between him and his door.

"Look at this Hazel Cox." He tells me moving my hair off my shoulder exposing my neck. "You let him give you a hickey." He takes a breath, "I am going to fucking kill him." He screams pacing in front of me.

"York please listen to me. I am 17 almost 18 years old. I know that at 18 you and been with more girls my age, then you could count on one hand. But I am smarter then those girls you don't need to worry about me. Could you please just love me and let me make my own mistakes." I tell him before I know what to do he is pulling me in a bear hug.

"I love you Hazel." He says releasing me.

"I love you too York." I say standing on my tippy toes and giving him a kiss on the cheek.

"So when is this asshole coming to get you?" He ask leaning against the trunk and checking his phone for the time.

"Eight and he is not an asshole." I tell him giving a playful slap on the arm.

"Alright he could be here any minute. You go on inside. I need to talk to this guy." He says walking me to the door and giving me a kiss on the cheek before pushing me in and shutting the door.

Maybe a summer can change everything.Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum