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I am just a simple girI.

I laugh , I cry, I get hurt, I get annoyed.

I love and I hate.

I'm a total dreamer...

I dream of many things.Ambitious you may call me.

And my greatest dream is to have a better life ...

with the ones I love.

I'm a total bipolar and a weirdo.

In just a second I cry then suddenly laugh.

I'm sometimes a sadist and sometimes a masochist.

I want a love that's sincere and genuine.

I don't want them to leave me.

To throw me like I'm nothing and useless.

I don't even know the real meaning of love...

till he, let me feel it.

He, who colored my not-so-colorful life.

He, who made me feel that I'm special, like a princess.

He, who gave me thousands of definition of love.

He, who became my friend, adviser, family and suddenly my happiness...

But then, while he is slowly becoming a part of my life,

he is also slowly taking my heart with him.

I didn't know that he, eventually became my EVERYTHING....

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05, 2014 ⏰

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