" His Celebration "

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"Good Mornin!" Albert heard when he woke up. He saw Elisabeth beside his bed a bright smile on her lips.

" When did you get here?" Albert asked confused and sleepy.

" I just came here. I wanted to see how you were." Elisabeth stated hugging Albert. Albert was welcoming of the warm embrace. It helped him not think of last night. Of Beatrice.

" How did you sleep?" Elisabeth asked curious.

" Quite good." ha blanky lied to her. He had slept horribly. He couldnt get his mind off of Beatrice. In the end he never meant to hurt her. 

" Al I have a favor to ask of you. I want to throw a party celebrating your new role as king. Can I?" 

" Sure! When ?" he asked kind as always. 

" In three days. Thank you." she told him before hugging him.

" Hey are you free today?" she asked curious.

" Yeah I just have a meeting with the other leaders later." he responded happy she was there.

" There's a carnival in town. Wanna visit it and after that we can eat something?" Elisabeth was very excited that he had free time.

" Sure. When are we going?" he asked still sleepy.

" When you're ready. Just get dressed. I'll be waiting for you outside." she stepped outside practically skipping.

When she stepped outside Albert took a deep sigh. He came out of his bed slowly. He got dressed groggy.

He stepped outside with a Elisabeth overflowing with happiness.

" Lets go!" she said dragging him down the hallway.

" Wait! I need to have breakfast." he stopped. She was not strong enough to pull him down the hallway.

" We can have breakfast there. Come on lets go!" Elisabeth didn't listen to Albert no matter what he did.

" But first lets go and tell the security officer that I'll be gone." Albert finished with a deep and tired sigh.

" Ok lets go there then and quick!" her eyes were practically sparkling.

" Yeah." and they were on their way.

They went to the security office to inform his security officer of his absence. He understood and called a car for them. They left for the carnival.

" So you're saying I need to get more test subjects?"  Beatrice responded as Anastassia cleaned tea from her dress.

" Yes. Just get someone off of the streets. Anyone. I'm tired of hearing people's screams when I deliver food to the scientists." she responded pissed at the queen's actions.

" Damned psychos. Can't even keep one person alive." Beatrice said looking at Anastasia.

" True. I don't know why you hired them. Oh and please don't crush your tea cups in rage. I'm tired of cleaning this." she said gathered the tea cup pieces from the ground and leaving.

Beatrice watched her leave silently. She started to think of possible people to abduct but to her dismay not a single name came up. All she could think about was Albert and the witch who put a curse on him. 

Ridding her mind of the witch. Beatrice decided to start the day. She quickly got dressed. She wore one of her usual dress a purple one with a sweetheart neckline and golden waves at the bottom. She sighed before exiting her room. 

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