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I had a dream,
a wonderful one.
I have met my prince
and we danced ‘till midnight.

Dreaming a blissful dream,
I pray to never wake again.
But prayers cannot be granted
if it really wasn’t meant to be.

In a daze, I woke up
only to face the real world.
“I don’t want to wake up”
I told myself but with no effect.

If I am to face the world,
shouldn’t I have a pair?
Just like my wonderful prince
I danced with all night long.

But I am not living in such fantasy
with reality, I belong
when will I experience
a life like a dream come true?

I may not ever,
but dreaming doesn't come with a price.
Well, does it?


Thanks for reading!
I hope you vote and comment on this peom.....
though it's not that great but I tried my best! ^^
once again, please Vote and/or Comment!
I accept advices too~♥

With love, Eternal Rise  ^^

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