Chapter 3 - I forget his name..

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"Actually, I think my job just arrived," Lou replied. She was looking out the large windows, smiling brightly as she watched the back doors of the second black people carrier slide open and a blonde boy in a black hoodie and grey sweats, Beats headphones over his ears, jumped out.

"MUM!!" Madison yelled, jumping to her feet on the sofa and bouncing up and down pointing out of the window, "MUM ITS THEM! ITS THEM! I TOLD YOU THEY WERE HERE! I WAS RIGHT! ITS NIALL! AND I CAN SEE ZAYN BEHIND HIM!" I looked to where she was pointed at the boys climbing out of the car and it was then that I realised they did look familiar. I recognised them from the posters on Madison's bedroom walls, the covers of the CDs I was forced to listen to on every car journey, and the DVDs, music videos and TV appearances she watched on a constant loop when she wasn't in dance class or at school. The only thing my 6 year old daughter love more than dance was the five boys that were stood outside our hotel at that moment grabbing bags and laptops and gods knows what else as they clambered out of their car.

"She's a fan then," Lou laughed beside me. Madison was practically glued to the window, smile wider than I'd ever seen it and eyes threatening to bug out of her sockets as she waved frantically at the boys outside. The blonde one, I forget his name, was the only one to notice her, laughing before he waved back at her, jumping up and down in imitation of her.

"How'd you guess?" I laughed, "Dance and those boys are all Madison talks about from the minute she wakes up to the minute she falls asleep. I'm taking her to see their concert at Madison Square Garden in a few days for her birthday actually, that's why we're in New York."

"Well...." She placed her laptop on the coffee table in front of us and approached Madison who was still glued to the window watching as the boys slid the doors to the car closed and headed for the hotel entrance. She placed a hand on her shoulder making her spin around on the sofa a little too fast and fall in to Lou's outstretched arms with a little yelp. Lou laughed, picking her up and sitting her on her hip, brushing her long blonde hair out of her face as Madison stared at her with a look of disbelief etched on her face.

"Your Lou.....Lou...Lux's mummy," she said quietly. Lou laughed again,

"You know who I am? And Lux? You must be a very big fan of the boys then,"

"Where is Lux?" Madison asked looking around before seemingly spotting the sleeping toddler in my arms for the first time. Lou spun so both her and Madison were facing me and winked before looking at the over excited 6 year old balanced on her hip.

"Your mummy is being very kind and holding Lux while she's sleeping so that we can go and help the boys check in. Niall can be a bit forgetful sometimes and forgets his own name when he's checking in to hotels, and Harry sometimes falls asleep before he's even made it all the way up to his room... do you think you could help them?"

"Really?! I can go and meet them... and speak to them?!.... Do you think Niall will give me a cuddle? My friend Jessica says that her sister told her that Niall's cuddles are the best cuddles ever!" talking a mile a minute she wriggled for Lou to let her down. As soon as she was on her feet she had hold of Lou's hand pulling her over to where the 5 boys and the 3 muscly guys dressed in black had congregated around the reception desk.

"Come over and I'll get one of the boys to take Lux from you," She called back over her shoulder to me. I didn't like the idea of leaving our bags and Lou's MacBook unattended in the lobby even if we could see it from the reception desk, but there was no way I'd be able to handle them and carrying Lux at the same time, my arm was almost dead from carrying her as it was. So instead I balanced the little girl in one arm while grabbing Lou's laptop and sliding it underneath Madison's backpack that was still sitting on the sofa by the window, at least it would be out if sight if anyone did happen to walk past while we were distracted. I positioned the backpack on top of the laptop so that it could not be seen and pulled our suitcases in front of the sofa whilst trying not to wake Lux.. and not drop her. Once that was done I walked over to where I could see Lou stood by the reception desk talking to Callie, the lady that had checked us in a short while ago, although Callie wasn't really paying much attention to whatever it was Lou was saying and was instead watching one of the boys as he leaned against the desk next to Lou smiling at her causing her cheeks to take on a lovely shade of red. I could see Madison sat on the marble top at the other end of the desk swinging her legs back and forth whilst repeating some kind of animated story for the other four boys and one of the men that had been in the car with Lou, who were all stood around her in a semi-circle laughing at whatever it was she was telling them.

"Mummy!" Madison waved as I approached," Mummy, Harry met that girl I was talking to at the airport, she told him that a princess told her that he was coming! She meant me! She told Harry that I'm a princess!" She pointed at the boy leaning against the desk next to her. I knew who Harry Styles was, he was Madison's favourite and a constant topic of conversation in our house. But never did I expect him to look so.... well... hot! Dressed in black a black t-shirt, red plaid shirt, black jeans and black Nike Free Runs with his hair pushed back from his forehead with a black headscarf he smiled across at me.

"Hi, I'm Harry," he straightened up, took the couple of steps towards me and kissed me on the cheek before returning to leaning against the counter next to Madison, a grin plastered to his admittedly beautiful face.

"Nikki," I smiled back, "and Madison you've already met."

"Mummy, this is Niall and Louis and Liam," she pointed one by one to the boys stood around me, " and that's Paul, he looks after them when they have to do concerts and stuff. And Zayn is over there with Lux's mummy. Louis says he's chatting up that lady... what does chatting up mean?"

"On that note," Louis spoke up, taking a step towards me and trying to hide his smile, "is that my little Lux you've got there? I'll take her." He reached out and I gently lay the little girl in his arms. Harry shrugged off his plaid shirt and tucked around Lux's sleeping body, pushing the hair back off her face before turning back to Madison and helping her down off the counter.

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