Chapter Twenty-Five: The Devil's Lioness

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Ace mused as he glanced at Francisco, running his tongue over his teeth. "Have a nice weekend, Frank."

Francisco hesitated at those words, bringing his hazel eyes to Kat, looking for something to keep him there. As if he could protect her from Ace's wrath, she mentally scoffed at that.

"I'll make sure the gym would be securely locked for you," Ace told him as if he can reassure Francisco's worry.

"Thank you, sir," Francisco nodded and began to escort the other wrestlers out of the gym. Not a single glance was directed at her because they all knew once that door close, she was as good as dead.

"Tell your cousin you won't be home for a few days," Ace demanded, as he took off his suit jacket, giving it to one of his men.

She watched him unbutton the cuffs of his sleeves before rolling them up to his elbows. Her heart pounded hard against her chest, obeying his command like a pathetic dog. She took out her phone and sent a text to Riley, her fingers trembling.

To: Riley

I won't be home for a few days. I'll call you when I'm going home. Stay safe and stay away from trouble.

Not a second later did she get a reply from him.

I'll stay over at Ivan's house so you don't have to worry. :) -Riley

Good, she thought, he would be safe.

She tossed her phone onto her gym bag and took a deep breath. Her body trembled from the amount of fear. She rather have that vile woman drag lit cigarettes down her back than be beaten by Ace. Anything is better than here. Anything.

"This better be the last time I have to teach you a lesson, Kat," Ace grunted, giving his finished cigar to one of his men. "I don't want another repeat. Throw away those distractions from your mind. Your match is on Saturday and you better come out of there alive. That pathetic girl is going to be the death of you. Get that in your fucking head."

The first punch came in. Unlike her fights and during her practice, she didn't dodge them. She stood there, getting the beating. She couldn't do nothing unless she wanted to heal before her fight. She knew he was holding back. If her fight wasn't on Saturday night, she wouldn't be coming home for a few weeks. Just like the other lesson he taught her. When he found out about Mabel, he made her time a living hell. Beatings were given to her every day and night she stayed at one of his many homes. He chained her from the ceiling, whipping her before throwing her into an ice bath. She was kept there for a long time until she couldn't feel no circulation within her body. His men would take turns in beating her as he watched, smoking his favorite Cuban cigars.

If she wasn't his best friend's daughter, she knew other worse things he and his men could do to her. That was one thing she was grateful for. For having her father befriend this man and keep him and his men from raping her. That was his favorite lesson to teach to others who cross his line. It destroyed his enemies' dignity and brought him to a higher level of dominance. Ace Lockwood was a sadistic devil. She's seen him doing atrocious things to others and he didn't care if it made the angels weep.

Another hit sent her to harsh mat. She groaned, feeling the pain worse than the first one. As the hits kept coming throughout her body including harsh kicks to her stomach and face, all she could think of was Mabel. Her beautiful smile that lit up her face. The innocence shown in her eyes that kept Kat coming back to those brown eyes. She could feel her lips on her still. She could feel the way her body felt against hers. Her soft moans sung in her mind, keeping her distracted from what was happening to her.

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