A guardian character is born PT.2

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As I get to the school I see Amu. She looks in her bag and my charas and I see her 3 eggs. She looks kinda sad though.

She then closes up her bag and Chifuyu asks me ," why does she look sad?" With a saddened tone as she peeks out of my hair a little." She probably doesn't understand what's happening ."

I reply to her. " oh" she says with an understanding, but then smiles " but those eggs will let her be her would be self so everything will turn out all right "

"But we have to see if her eggs are the embryo first and if it isn't we need the humpty lock." Murasaki replies a little emotionless. "Well we'll cross that bridge when we come to it so until the-" I get cut off by a crowd starting to build up and a lot of squealing.

"Wow" "they're as magnificent as ever" "the guardians of Seiyo elementary."
I look and see them waking like some kind of celebrity. "This is gonna get kind of annoying." Hiroshi says in my hair. "Guys be quiet we can't get caught ." Miku says kind of worried.

"Don't worry just stay in my hair and the day will go by in a breeze, just don't make noise when the guardians are near." "*Hai" they all say to me quietly and retreat to my hair. I go farther away from them then Miku pulls a piece of my hair. " hey kukio watch her shugo charas." She tells me, then goes back into my hair.

I turn around and see Amu freaking out about the egg moving, I turn my head and see that the guardians had noticed also. She panics and tries to run away but tadase stops her.I start walking away. " hey why are we just leaving " Hiroshi asks me. "Because she's too nervous to talk to him right." I reply.

" what do you me-"Miku gets cut off as they hear gasps and the final word shrimp. "I told you ,her outer character has a hold of her." I reply bluntly to them all.I then hear a sound and stop. " t-the humpy lock" Chifuyu says. I then get a text from Ikuto saying that he'll text me to come to help him get the humpty lock.
'So he heard it too huh' I think to myself. I then Hurry to class not wanting to be late.

Soon we're at the assembly and I sat in the back I told Ikuto that I'll would be there soon and made sure that i had my hoodie (the one at the top) that I brought with me to cover my face so I don't blow my cover here. I look at tadase and I am surprised to see how he grew up to be my enemy.

Probably forgot all about me by now. I then look at Amu and see her look a little depressed about what happened. Then I see her look a little shocked.I then get a text from Ikuto to meet him at a construction site I reply with ok and wait for a distraction. Then all of a sudden," I do! I'm sorry about what I said. The truth is , I like you prince!" Everyone is shocked perfect now's my chance.

I sneak out of there and and chara change with Hiroshi and teleport to the nearest construction site and wait at the top of the structure . "Kukio I sense someone coming and it's not Ikuto hide!" Miku tells me I use teleport to go to the other side of the skyscrapers do see Amu run right into a hole. She calls for help but it was their day off so I waited for Ikuto to come. then i Hear a crack.

'Huh' I look at the hole then all of a sudden I see Amu shoot out of the hole with a shugo chara in a cheerleader uniform. She starts flying everywhere until she finally land at the top of the steel beam. She then grabs onto the beam and ask what her shugo chara is and she replies ,"I'm ran, your shugo chara." I ignored the rest of the conversation and tried to keep a look out for Ikuto. then I see him. then when i get to where they are and hear the word freak.

"Aww common don't hate on kittens" I say with a Cheshire Cat smile appearing right next to her. "WAAAAH Another one!!!" She screamed in shock.

Ikuto smells something . " it seems you have more eggs." He says with a smirk. "Two of them " yoru finishes. "Who are you guys?" She asks us. " be careful amu-chan these guys are after your-" I cut ran off buy flicking her.
"So your name is amu-chan ne ~?" I ask in a mischievous tone. Ikuto then puts his hand in her pocket while another searching through her bag. She starts freaking out and Ikuto stopped one he found out them. Once he found them I jumped to the beam Ikuto was on and stood behind him.

"Looks like their about to be born" he states. " we have the humpy lock too." Yoru finishes. " sounds like you guys got quite the haul today." I say as I pet yoru. "Ikuto lets go!" I say " yeah", he replies and we start to walk away.
"What are you doing to my eggs?!" She yells charging toward us. She bumps Ikuto causing him to drop the eggs and he bumps into me causing me to almost fall not fall like Amu is. I get a hold of the beam but I can't pull my self up (I know I'm a weak child😭).

"KUKIO!!!" All my charas yell in worry. " Ikuto help me up I can't pull myself up ." I say wincing as I try to pull myself up but fail. He picks me up and sits me on the beam. "*Arigato " I thank him. Then all of a sudden the humpty lock starts glowing and goes straight to Amu. She grabs it and a bubble of light goes around her. " w-what is going on" I say confused of it all.

soon she reaches the ground and and shoots back up into the sky. "It can't be." i say
i look up and see Amu very dizzy and confused, she soon starts enjoying herself and i turn to Ikuto who is still as shocked as i am.

"That girl...she can do character transformations (chara nari)? i look back up to see Amu freaking out then starts plummeting back down to earth only to be save by little king. Ikuto and I decide to get down from the tower and jump onto a nearby construction vehicle.

"you again,little king?" Ikuto asks Tadase. "Taking newborn eggs is against the rules. Also putting your hands on the humpty lock is deplorable, Tsukiyomi Ikuto!" Tadase talks back in anger. "it's your fault for leaving it there." i say effortlessly as i put my hands behind my head. "that's right nya~" Yoru says next to Ikuto.

"i'll never let the likes of you have the embryo!" Tadase yells back determinedly as Amu questions what the embyo exactly is. Ikuto decides to attack as i know that we're done here and i teleport away to go back to school and clean myself up in the restroom to look like i haven't been at a construction site fighting and stuff.

after that my charas and i go home and decide to make hamburger steak.

I always love your food." Miku says happily as she eats the food i had made.
"me too" Chifuyu said happily
"m-me three!" Hiroshi says as if i didn't know that he loves my food. I laugh a little at this.
"me four." Murasaki said bluntly but can still see that she loves the food.

soon we take a bath and go have them play and get ready for bed while i work on my homework. soon i finish my homework and we all go to sleep to find what tomorrow brings.



Arigato: thank you



so tell me if there are any mistakes and tell me how you liked it or if you had a problem with it if the links aren't working pls tell me so i can fix it . thank you

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