My Friend...

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It is apparent that small towns are attracted to the idea of routine, of a steady rhythm that keeps them pulsing along. You only need to wander into any such place to find such people of predictability. 

For a rather mundane example, you could travel through the plains of Iceland in search of a secluded place known as Lazytown. You would find that Mayor Meanswell does the relentless bidding of his gossiping secretary, Ms.Busybody. There would also be a group of children who were constantly in motion, whether it was by playing silly sports or being conventionally creative with painting and baking. You would most definitely spot the town's very own acrobatic hero, Sportacus. He would be flipping through the streets to save the citizens from the dangers caused by their short attention spans... His work is never finished! What you probably wouldn't notice is the absence of Lazytown's villain, Robbie Rotten. Although he is the main cause of trouble for the citizens, he usually hides in his underground lair on the outskirts of the town, spending his days absorbed in eating towering cakes or watching mindless television.

Even though the paths of these people seem set in stone, fate isn't quite finished revising the draft of life. Not even small towns can escape the tide of changing winds or shifting seasons. And what better time to alter the patterns of routine than through the beginning of new things and the birth of green creatures that sing? No better time than the first day of Spring.

First Day of SpringWhere stories live. Discover now