But it was a fat chance. They were not far enough to escape her peripheral vision. She saw them and gasped loudly despite herself.

"Geez, you guys shocked me!" she panted, placing a hand on her heart.

Sherlock didn't say anything. But John spoke up. "Where were you going?"

"Where are you two going?" she asked back.

But fortunately, her bundle was a little loose and gave a peek of what was inside for Sherlock.

He frowned. "There are.. clothes. And a... Wait, you were going to take a bath?"

Mary reddened. "I don't like our bathrooms, okay?" she defended herself. "The prefects' bathrooms are much nicer."

John looked like he was about to burst into laughing. But a frigid glare from Mary stopped him.

"Be on your way then. We won't tell anyone."

"Of course you won't. You are out at the night too," she said, narrowing her eyes. Sherlock shrugged and gestured her to pass. Then he suddenly asked.

"Hey, do you know any short cut from here to around Slytherin common room?" The Defence Against Dark Arts class room was near it.

She looked for a moment as if she might deny. But then she spoke. "Take a left from Sir Charles Salsbury's Statue. And then go behind Black Marina's portrait by tickling her frame. That'll cut almost half of the route." She paused and then added, "I see you two are about to do something really stupid. So I'm not going to ask anything. Good luck." She gave a smile that just stayed on her lips quite robotic and set off to the prefects' bathroom.

Both of them thankful, they too went as she said. She was right. They reached quite soon and in no time were inside the DADA classroom. It wasn't locked.

The classroom was of course empty. The otherwise drawn curtains were pulled back, revealing a beautiful full moon. The powdery light illuminated the classroom. It was somewhat beautiful and eerily silent scene. John promptly hastened towards the staircase leading to Prof Sudol's room but Sherlock took a fraction of a moment to appreciate the view. Then almost as if realizing his folly, he hastened behind John.

With a beating heart he turned the knob of the door. It clicked open. It surprised Sherlock but he had no problem with the break in being easier. John glanced at him, grinning at their good luck.

The room was dark though. Sherlock pulled his wand out and tried a new spell he had found in some of the next year books.

"Lumos," he whispered and the tip of his wand illuminated.

"Whoa," John gasped. "You gotta show me how you did that tomorrow. But it's not that bright. We need a bigger one to see properly." John fumbled around and he found a lantern. He quickly lighted it up and their situation marginally improved. They couldn't risk anymore and they started looking around. Exactly what Sherlock expected to find, John had no idea. But he looked none the less.

Sherlock had an idea as to where to start. He looked at the boots by the door. There were three pairs. Two regularly used and one gathering a little dust. It was also the fanciest. The regularly used had no uncommon dirt on them. Then he checked the drawers. One was closed, the others were open. For the most part it was innocuous. He had known Prof. Sudol was left handed. But here he also realized that she was quite ambidextrous. At least writing on paper. The quills, ink, stack of parchments; all was on the right side of the table. But soon he began to get some really weird things.

For the starters he found a seemingly innocent parchment. The one they regularly used. But it contained a list of all the disappeared students in crude lettering. And their names were crossed out. Sherlock got a jolt of shock. Whatever he had expected, it was mostly about any clues regarding any connection between Rowe Desgar and Prof. Sudol. Or maybe something lifting the heavy shroud of mystery around her.

But the list of the kidnapped children?

John took a look at it. He too was horrified. "What the heck?" While he was busy reading the names, Sherlock dug further.

He found nothing. So he looked around. Almost too quickly, naively hidden under her mattress was a sheaf of papers, half torn. The half of the topmost page contained some lettering but they were unintelligible without the rest. Sherlock examined the paper by the light.

The paper was soft, not the parchments mostly used. He held it against the light to find a foreign watermark. And with a little burst of happiness, he realized that there were the letter markings on them, pressed from the torn piece on top.

But John was lamenting. "Oh, if we only knew what was on them!"

"Don't get excited, it might just be her shopping list," Sherlock mumbled as he took the sheaf to the table near the door.

"But how will we know?" John asked.

"Separate as you are from the muggle world, you must have pencils?


It turns out, not really. They couldn't find anything but quills and ink in Prof. Sudol's room. Destitute, Sherlock paced around her room. They hadn't found anything else quite so incriminating. Mostly sinister looking books in foreign language, some creatures she used for demonstration in classes, and stuff like that.

It was getting late. They couldn't spend more time there. So they decided to take the sheaf and the list with them. John went ahead and scouted the road. The hallways were silent.

They soon found their way back. Sherlock kept the documents with himself as John had to share his room but he didn't. Wordlessly, they parted ways and safely reached their dormitories. Sherlock thought of hunting for a pencil in his own room. But he had a sinking realization, neither did he own one. So he gave up. His nerves which were high strung all day, finally got to him and he properly collapsed on the bed.

A/n: Quite a long chapter. What do you guys think? Is Sudol some psycho? Or does she have any ulterior motive behind every single thing?

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