As You Rise

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As You Rise

The sky, as dark as a painting.

Spirits, as low as the earth's core.

Eyes wonder at the sound of panting

But they all know, the life cannot be restored.

Now I look at the figure,

Lying on the floor.

Awaiting it's death,

Knocking on its door.

A cold liquids escapes my eyes,

And I watch his eyes close.

Away his spirit, away it flies

The figure still there, underneath my nose.

I join my hands together,

Raise my head to the sky.

Whisper a prayer,

Accompanying him to the gates above the clouds.

"Amen." I say,

Lay my hands to my sides.

Walk away unnoticed by the dark day,

Eyes stay focused on the one who lost life.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2014 ⏰

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