54. The Phone Call

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After Christmas and New Year's, they had settled back into a routine. Jay would go to work and Lauren would stay with the babies. Some days they visited with their aunts and uncles, but for the most part they just stayed at home. Mouse called as much as he could, but mainly Jay just got emails from him.

It was the week after New Year's, and Lauren had been helping plan Natalie's baby shower. Their little girl would be there in just a couple of months and Lauren was probably just as excited as Natalie. She couldn't wait for the twins to have a little cousin to play with.

She was curled up on the couch while the twins napped when Jay called. "Hey babe," she answered with a smile.

"Check my email," he said.

"Uh... Ok. What's wrong Jay?" she asked going to his laptop.

"Nothing.... I mean nothing is wrong, it's just a weird feeling."

"Ok... ok...." She said pulling up his email.

"There's one. All it says is that he misses us and we'll call tonight."

Jay sighed. "That's better than nothing then."

"I know.... I'm sure he's ok Jay. If he wasn't, he'd let you know."

"Yea.... Yea I know you're right. I just worry ya know?"

"Yea baby I know. The twins and I will be here when you get home."

"I can't wait. Give them hugs and kisses and I'll see you soon."

"See you soon," she said as they hung up.

She knew Jay was really worried about Mouse, but the last few calls she'd listened in on, he'd seemed ok. Maybe not as great as if he was at home with them, but he was ok. She hoped he would get to come home soon, if nothing else so Jay wouldn't have so much stress. She let out a soft sigh as she curled back up on the couch. Maybe he would be home soon.

She got the babies up from their nap and was in the living room with them, when Jay came in. He looked cold and had snow on his jacket. She was glad that she'd made homemade taco soup for supper. It would warm him up. "Say hey daddy," she cooed waving the twins arms from the floor.

They squealed seeing him and they kicked their little legs rolling over. Lauren knew before long they would be crawling. It made her glad and sad at the same time. Her babies were growing up.

"Hey little ones," Jay cooed kicking his shoes off and taking his jacket off. They both squealed again and Lauren giggled.

"I think they're tired of me," she laughed.

"No, they love mommy, don't you?" he cooed at them as he kissed her cheek.

The babies both laughed and smiled.

"Well mommy loves them and daddy," she smiled kissing his lips.

"And I love you," he smiled.

"Come on love, I got taco soup. It should warm you up. The news said we were probably gonna get a bad snow storm."

"Mmmmm taco soup sounds yummy. Work will be hell with snow."

"I know," she sighed picking up the twins to put in their bouncy seats. Jay played with the twins while she dished up their supper, and then they ate.

"This was really good babe," he smiled kissing her cheek as he took things to the kitchen for her.

"Thanks," she smiled. Just as she started dishes, they heard the laptop ringing.

Jay ran in there to answer it. Lauren gave them a few minutes while she cleaned up.

"Lauren?" Jay called after a few like normal.

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