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Sorry about not updating chapters of places you might've requested.

But I'm bored, and I feel like I don't want to do it.


Jessica Sahlberg - Ice mage

Aaron Sahlberg/Warrick- Shadow demon/Shapeshifter/Shadow mage

Frank Fawlster- Water mage

Keiko Amikoto- Fallen angel

Naomi (Niami) - Goddess (of rivers)

Chad Heartstone - Fire mage

Joseph Ink/Wilson - Shapeshifter/Mage

Nikolai Skyfeather - Air/Wind mage

Raphael Iceshade - Ice mage/ Nikolai's Guardian Angel

Ashton Bailey - ???

Elliot Blackwood - Has both angel and shadow demon genes, but the shadow genes are more dominant, so half Shadow demon

Alex Velasquez - Einherji

Philip Chaeng/Blackbourne- Half angel

Samuel/Jackson Blackbourne - Elemental mage

Marisa (Risa) Solstice - Half death demon, half angel

Jeon Yon - Shapeshifter/ Mage

Sylvester Blackbourne - Elemental Mage

Theo Fero - Ghoul


King Zetes Blackbourne - Warlock

Queen Taika Chaeng/Blackbourne - Elemental mage


King Xerxes Blackbourne - Half shadow demon(got possessed as a child)

Queen Melanie Elicia/Blackbourne -Half angel


King Yusef Blackbourne - Warlock

Queen Taike Chaeng/Blackbourne - Elemental Mage


King Vance Solstice - Death demon

Queen Waldhurga Equinox - Angel

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 08, 2017 ⏰

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