Chapter 2: Anxiety

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So I've decided to focus more on Sadie's Pov for this chapter, but I will for sure try to include the others, oh and before reading this, it does get kind of deep and a little personal during the ending so if you have a strong heart.. go for it ❤️

Sadie's Pov: Am I happy with my life? Am I doing the right thing? How will my mom and dad feel? How will my brother feel? Will they hate me? Will they still love me? Will my younger sister Jacey still look up to me? What if they kick me out? What if they say I'm a disgrace to the family? They wouldn't do that would they?! All of these thoughts keep on spinning in my head, I began to fill dizzy as I laid down in my bed, in my room with my door locked. I was very happy that Millie liked me back and we're together now, she already told her mom and dad and they where happy for her, and really proud....but will my parents accept me the same way? I know my brothers been really suspicious lately because I've been looking down all the time and not really talking ever since that night with Millie, Noah, and Finn. I never told anyone about that day. He's always asking me if I'm ok every time we're eating dinner, instead of telling the truth I just lie and say that I'm fine and my face gets super red, I know very pathetic right? I decided that enough is enough and I grabbed my phone to call Millie, tonight I was coming out to my parents.

Millie's Pov: I've been really happy lately ever since me and Sadie told the truth about how we felt together, she's my girlfriend now and even my parents know, I'm glad that they accept me for who I am and are really proud, but I'm worried about Sadie. I know that she's still planning on telling her parents about her sexuality but she's scared, she doesn't know how they will react. I want to be there the night she decides to come out, I'll be there by her side no matter what happens. Out of nowhere my phone started ringing, It was Sadie! I answered the phone and as soon as I said hello she immediately started talking.

Sadie's Pov: on the phone I was telling Millie that I was coming out tonight to my parents tonight  and I wanted her there with me, she said sure and that she'll be here in 30min. I quickly told her that I loved her and she replied back with an I love you too, and I quickly hung up, I put my phone to my chest, closed my eyes and sighed. I quickly got up and went to the living room and told my mom that Millie wanted to come over to eat dinner with us and she said sure. Everything was going great so far... I hoped at least. I went back to my room and changed into a light pink dress, I wore a rainbow bracelet on my arm to remind myself that there's love all around me. I fixed my hair and I heard the doorbell ring, Millie was at the door. Looking gorgeous as always, she was wearing a black dress with these beautiful stud earrings, I couldn't wait for dinner.

Millie's Pov: Sadie answered the door and I wanted to kiss her as soon as I saw her beautiful face, her pink dress was so cute! I saw that she also had a rainbow bracelet on her arm, a hint of support for tonight. I knew that I couldn't kiss her yet, so I just hugged her, her mother smiled and hugged me too, we then headed to the car. Sadie said that her dad would meet us at the restaurant and he had her brother and younger sister with him.

Sadie's Pov: As we where in the car sat in the back seat right next to Millie, I was so nervous I felt like throwing up. I felt my face turn a bright red as I saw the restaurant sign, "are you ok honey?" My mom asked. "Y-yea I'm fine mom.." I stuttered back. Millie looked at my and gave me an encouraging smile, she then secretly slid her hand down to mines and we entwined our fingers. I slowly started to calm down because Millie and I where holding hands, thank god my mom didn't notice, she was to busy focusing on finding a parking space. We entered the restaurant to find my dad, my brother and my younger sister waiting at the front desk where the server was ready. Millie looked at me and whispered, " everything's going to go great." I smiled back at her and looked into her beautiful brown eyes, I just wanted to kiss her again but I knew that I was going to have to wait. 

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