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The governor of California, Andrew Smith, and his daughter were returning home from a press conference in Los Angeles. Katherine rested her head against the window staring at the scenery rushing past her. She had her legs crossed ladylike, her dark forest green dress covering her legs to just above her knee. Her long brown curly hair was pulled back in a high ponytail displaying her beautiful facial features. She had light chestnut brown eyes with soft plush lips that were the shade of blood at the moment. Her complexion was a soft caramel hue with hardly any blemishes with the exception of a few scars on her collarbone and shoulders that she wouldn’t tell anyone, or even her father, how they came to be. The governor’s daughter was an extremely beautiful woman with a slender, curvy figure and was also very intelligent living a more simple life.

Though Katherine lived a slightly different lifestyle than her father, she always supported him and attended his conferences ever since her mother died last year.  Her brother lived on the east coast with his family and was not much help living so far away. Katherine was all Andrew had left on the west coast. After his wife was murdered, Katherine was the one person he could rely on to be there for him. He fell to pieces after he heard the news of his wife’s demised and thought he wasn’t going to get through life. They had been married 25 years and when she died, everything crashed down on him.

Andrew glanced over at his daughter seeing that something was troubling her. He sighed knowing that she wouldn’t confide in him on the matter. She was stubborn just like her mother. Katherine resembled her too much except for her brown eyes and tan complexion she got from him. Katherine was the baby in the family; his son, Dominic, being thirty-five and Katherine being twenty-nine. Andrew was fifty-nine and still in amazing health. He was tall and slender with a muscular physique. His black hair had grayed somewhat and his brown eyes looked tired with black circles under his eyes. He laid a hand on top of hers patting it gently. This caused Katherine to avert her gaze from the scenery outside to her father’s face. She smiled weakly grasping onto her father’s hand.

“What’s wrong, Katie?” You don’t seem yourself.”

“I’m fine, daddy…just thinking about life and my future.” She sighed softly gazing down at her lap fixing her dress.

“Is this about Michael?” he inquired carefully.

“Kind of…he’s been acting strange lately…and I’m starting to have second thoughts on dating him…” she told him truthfully. “I don’t love him like I do…”

A black van colliding full speed into the side of the car interrupted her sentence. The car began tumbling as the van continued plowing into it. It slammed up against the wall, the car being basically entirely destroyed with the driver dead, the governor bloodied and unconscious, and a woman in extreme pain unable to slip to succumb to the pain.

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