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   I threw my luggage in my car and went back up to my apartment. I sat on the worn out couch that my ex-husband left behind three years ago. It was a stupid pink and yellow couch color that I absolutely despised. Emmett loved this couch. He thought it made the white walls look boring and it made the couch noticeable. I've always thought different than him.
   Emmett was just so spontaneous and I loved that about him. I'm a schedule type of person and he always winged everything he did. I guess that's why I had loved him so much, but you know what they say... Actually I don't even know who 'they' are, but you know. Everyone always seems to know who 'they' are. At least that's what Emmett had always said. He called everyone royalty because he said everyone is a king and queen, well, that's not what that the younger, hotter, and fitter yoga instructor told him.
   "Hey! Julie!" I heard Oliver yell outside my door. "Are ya gonna let me in?!"
   "Yeah, yeah", I answered getting up. I unlocked the door and I saw the Kodak worthy smile of my co-worker and the best photographer at Albany Times, Oliver Yalger. "Hey Olly. What are you doing here?"
   "I can't see my favorite reporter before she leaves to New York City?" His bright white teeth seemed to sparkle more when he smiled out of sheer happiness.
   "So what do you need?" I asked, already knowing he came here to ask for a favor. I know Oliver like the back of my hand. We've been working together for six years and he was there for me when Emmett divorced me for the-
   "Actually yeah. I do need somethimg", he moved me to the side softly and welcomed himself into my apartment. Olly was probably around six feet tall. He took notice of the couch. "You still have that ugly piece of furniture?"
   "Why are you so surprised?" I asked. "You were just here last week".
   "It still doesn't make that couch pretty", he chuckled, making his grey-blue eyes lit up with amusement.
   "So what we're you here for?"
   I heard him rummage through my almost empty fridge. "Girl. We got to get you more food".
   "I have to leave, so I saw no point in grocery shopping".
   "But my poor stomach Julie. What's going to happen to it?" He pouted, his bottom lip sticking out, hoping to win me over, or make me guilty.
   "It shall suffer then".
   "Cruel", he mumbled.
   "Seriously Olly. I have to leave. What's up?"
   "I was wondering if you could possibly get a picture of that guy, Memphis King, for me. I can touch it up and all and edit the hell out of it, but I probably won't able to get close enough to that guy to get a good photograph. Could you? Please Julie?"
   "Olly..." I complained.
   "Pleeease?" He begged. "I know you can do it".
   "So does Rayna, but what if I can't do it Olly?"
   He hugged me. His buff arms wrapped around my torso, but it was always comforting when he held me. "Hey. I know you can. Your brave and Rayna wouldn't have given you this case if she didn't think you could handle it".
   I nodded. "Thanks Olly. You always know what to say".
   "Well", his pale pink lips turned to a smirk and flicked his long, copper colored hair off to the left side dramatically. "I am a ladies man".
   "By ladies, you mean your cats".
   He scoffed. "Your just bitter".
   "And your just jealous".
   "You wish".
   "In your dreams". I escorted him out of my apartment and locked it behind me. We walked the down the stairs together in silence.
   "I'm just a phone call way Jules", Olly winked. "Call me day or night".
   "Thanks Olly", I smiled and then took a deep breath. "Wish me luck".
   "Always". He skipped a step and then had a bounce in his step everytime he was walking to his car. He waved to me and then got in his car. He drive away waving out of the window until he was out of sight.
   I looked around my neighborhood. It isn't exactly the friendliest place or the safest, which isn't something you should say to an overprotective mother, this is my home.
   I got into my car and then drove off to New York City. I wonder what's going to happen in New York. I've been here before but I was with my parents and it was around Christmas time. I know I don't live too far away from the city but I just don't like driving. I prefer to walk where I go. It gives you more time to think than in a car of where you have to worry about your driving, the traffric, traffic flow, and the other drivers. Of where in walking you just have to be aware of your surroundings and I know Albany like a Chemist. You have to know what your doing and what direction you plan to go, unless it's just some random walk.
   Then there's Oliver. He's been there for me ever since he started working at Albany Times. I was there one year before he got there, and I was with Emmett at that time. Me and Oliver usually worked together on the magazine and newspaper articles, but once in a while we'll be working separately. It's hard work, but it's more satisfying in the end if it's harder. Oliver is so carefree, but he knows his limits. He knows that there's a time to have fun and then there's a time to not screw around.
   I got to NYC and put in the address for the apartments I was to stay at. I parked in the parking lot of the Eighteenth Apartments. I heard a little bell as I took a step into the apartment management office.
   "Hello!" An overweight, bald headed, white man chirped happily at the front desk. He looked as if he was in his early fifties. "How can I do you for today?"
   "I have an arrangement to stay here", I answered.
   "Okay", he opened his book and skimmed through it. "Name?"
   "Julie Zarlie".
   "I see it right here", he smiled showing his only bottom five teeth. Oh god Rayna. Where in the hell am I staying at? He handed me a key on a hook. "This is your apartment key. Your room is 109".
   "Isn't there supposed to be paperwork?" I asked.
   "I believe your supposed to be here on work related issues", he replied. "So your boss, Rayna Skie, filled it out already and it was faxed to me yesterday".
   I nodded. "Oh. Okay".
   "Enjoy your stay Ms. Zarlie".
   "Thank you", I smiled and then walked out of the office.
   I walked to the apartment complex and looked for apartment number 109, which I would assume was the bottom room numbers. I unlocked the door that had the engraving of 109 on it. I opened it and a horrible musty smell hit me in the face. It smelt as if there was a damp rag left under a sink for half a year its own puddle of water. The interior was even worse. There was a pale green wallpaper with white flower designs that was peeling off of the walls. There was dust covering the kitchen counters to where I could actually see the dark dust. I heard the gas click on when I attempted to turn on the stove but it wouldn't turn on. Great. What a horrible place. I clicked on the light and it was a dim bulb. What was I planning on doing with this? Makeout with someone? On second thought, I wouldn't even bring someone over here. It's too horrendous. The floors felt so sticky, and I'm wearing my tennis shoes. I could hear the ripping of my shoes when I walked to other areas of the apartment. How is this guy still running this place and why did Rayna put me here? Remind me to slap her next time I see her.
   Well time to research this Memphis guy. I got to be able to know where he goes and what he does. I sound like a fucking stalker...


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