chapter 2: miracles.

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Makoto's POV

10 minutes earlier...

"...I love you Makoto." My boyfriend said to me. My heart skip a beat everytime he said it.

"And I love you too phillip." I smiled at him. He then took off, looking over his shoulder with those beautiful hazel eyes at me until I couldn't see him anymore among the busy evening crowd. I let out a sigh as I went into the apartment complex. Already I was starting to miss him. But there was always tomorrow.

I got back home and saw my sister on the couch reading the newspaper. The tv was on for background noise. My sister couldn't handle 'total slience' as she called it.

"I'm home sis." I called to her. She set her paper down and gave a small smile.

"Welcome home. How was your date with Phillip-san?" I felt my cheeks getting warm.

"It was wonderful sis." I sat near her on the couch.

"You really do love him huh?" She stared at me. I turn red.

"Yes I do." I smiled. My sister chuckled.

"I'm sure you two will be fine. However..." her attitude change "if he ever does hurt you. You let me know immediately."

"Sis he isn't like that at all." I sighed. "He is a very nice guy and all he has done is made me happy." My sister continued to look at me; like I was being analyzed. After a moment she gave in.

"Alright." She sighed as she went back to reading the paper. I stood up and decided to make myself some tea and watch the news before working on my studies.

I sat back down on the couch and sit my drink as the news began its usual weather report routine. But then it suddenly switch to live feed of downtown Shibuya! This caught my sister's attention as she lower her paper and eyed the tv screen.

" feed of this horrific crash that took place just a few minutes ago. Apparently the driver of a ford truck fell asleep of the wheel and struck the other vehicle who were crossing the intersection. The other vehicle made several flips before it stop, laying upside down. The husband and wife of the car, Eric and laura E. We're both killed instantly. Their son, Phillip is in critical condition and has been sent to the hospital as of this moment..."

I nearly choked on my tea as I heard that. I stood up in fright.

"P-phillip-kun?!" I stammered. My sister stood up.

"I'll make a call to the hospital!" My sister said she immediately got her cell phone out. I felt paralyzed of what I was seeing on tv. Then my phone started to buzz. I pulled out of my pocket and saw my friends in a chat group.

"Holy shit what the eff did I just see?!" Said ryuji.

"This can't be real!" Ann chirped in.

"Sojiro and I saw it too. Futuba and I are on our way to the hospital." Said Akira

"Moko-chan you there?!" Haru asked. I shakenly type the letters as tears were going down my cheeks.

"I just saw him a few minutes ago...if I only kept him from going just a little longer..."

"This isn't your fault makoto. You would have never known." Said yusuke.

"Let's all meet there now. We can talk more later." Said akira. Everyone agreed as I slip my phone back in my pocket. By then my sister came back from her room.

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