Uriel sighed and shook his head. "Unfortunately, it's very true. Mom wants us to move again, she got a work promotion and she has to go to another state to be able to work, so naturally, I'm going with her. As for Liz... I'm going to break up with her. This way, both of us can get on with our lives without having to worry about long distance relationship stuff. It never works out anyways. I should know. I'll try to keep in contact if I can, but that also depends... "

Zero just sighed. He knew Uriel's mother too well to know that her word was the last, and although she was a very sweet person, she kept to her word no matter what the reaction to it will be.

"Will I ever see you again?" he asked softly, although he doubted the answer he wanted to hear wasn't what he was going to get it.

Uriel shook his head. "I highly doubt it. But, if you want, we can keep in touch with msn and hotmail, if that's good with you."

Zero sighed once again, a little more deeply this time. "Yeah, but I don't think that'll be enough. When do you leave?"

Uriel closed his eyes a moment, thinking exactly when he was leaving. "About a few days from now, but today is officially my last day of school. I'm gonna miss you guys, ya know? This was the very first school where I had any and such awesome friends ever."

Zero smiled, as though he had thought of a great idea. He stood up, and then looked down at Uriel. "I don't care what you say, but I'm gonna throw you a farewell party. It'll be you, me, Liz and Kari. A little get together. We'll have cake and everything, and it'll be at my place, so you'd better show up, or else you know I'll hunt you down like a hungry wolf that hasn't eaten in months. What do you say?"

He held out his hand, offering it to Uriel to help him up.

Uriel rolled his eyes impishly and smirked. He accepted Zero's hand, who then pulled his up to his feet.

"Sure thing, Zero. I'll make sure to be there. I can promise you that much. Now, I have an idea for you... why don't you get to class before Miss Amberson hunts 'you' down like a wolf that hasn't eaten in decades," Uriel chuckled. "We can talk more during lunch."

Zero's smile faded immediately, and then he had a panicked expression.

"Oops... forgot that it doesn't take that long to get a binder from your locker... Unless, of course, your locker ends up being all the way at the other end of the school."

Uriel chuckled and said. "Well then, you better hurry your ass up or

Amberson is gonna have you for lunch. Unless of course, you've already forgotten about her famous "make me small" speeches in front of the entire class. Not that she doesn't make sure to point you out when you come back in class from doing whatever, on the other hand, even if she did let you go, in your case, get your binder. I just hope that your locker was really, 'really' messy, for your sake.

Zero half smiled out of sarcasm, and then rolled his eyes. "Ha ha, very funny. Anyways, I'm gonna go before she mounts my head over her desk. I'll see you at lunch."

And with that, he ran off back towards the doors to get back in, waving behind him.

Uriel waved and yelled back. "See ya at lunch!"

Zero then grabbed the door handle, only to find out that it had locked. He tried desperately to open it, but to no avail.

"Fuck! It's locked!!" He ran back as fast as he could. The only other door he could think of that would be open was literally on the other side of the school. "Shit, I'm gonna be late!!"

Within the next two minutes, he was out of sight.

Uriel watched as Zero ran by. Apparently someone hadn't remembered that all the outside doors but one, which was the school entrance, were locked.

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